Update Readme

This commit is contained in:
glax 2024-02-01 23:07:48 +01:00
parent 65059f66ed
commit f939e79e69

@ -7,45 +7,40 @@ Library to interact with Shock-Collars that are remotely controllable via ESP32-
public static void Main(string[] args){
List<string> shockerIds = new();
IntensityRange intensityRange = new IntensityRange(30, 50);
DurationRange durationRange = new DurationRange(1000, 2000);
string apiKey = ":)";
OpenShockHttp openShockHttp = new OpenShockHttp(shockerIds, intensityRange, durationRange, apiKey);
string username = "username";
string shareCode = "sharecode";
PiShockHttp piShockHttp = new PiShockHttp(shockerIds, intensityRange, durationRange, apiKey, username, shareCode, apiUri);
OpenShockHttp openShockHttp = new (intensityRange, durationRange, apiKey);
OpenShockShocker shocker1 = openShockHttp.GetShockers(apiKey).First();
shocker1.Control(ControlAction.Vibrate, 20, 1000);
ControlAction action = ControlAction.Shock;
openShockHttp.Control(action, shockerIds.First(), 20, 1000);
List<SerialPortInfo> serialPorts = SerialHelper.GetSerialPorts();
int selectedPort = 1;
OpenShockSerial openShockSerial = new(intensityRange, durationRange, serialPorts[selectedPort], apiKey);
OpenShockShocker shocker2 = openShockSerial.GetShockers(apiKey).First();
shocker2.Control(ControlAction.Vibrate, 20, 1000);
## `Shocker.Control`
Control(ControlAction action, string? shockerId = null, int? intensity = null, int? duration = null)
Control(ControlAction action, int? intensity = null, int? duration = null)
If `shockerId` is `null`, all IDs will be used. If `intensity` or `duration` are `null`, a random value within the
If `intensity` or `duration` are `null`, a random value within the
configured range will be used.
### ControlAction
From [here](https://github.com/C9Glax/CShocker/blob/master/CShocker/Shockers/ControlAction.cs)
From [here](https://github.com/C9Glax/CShocker/blob/master/CShocker/Devices/Additional/ControlActionEnum.cs)
## Variables
### ApiKey
- For OpenShock (HTTP) get token [here](https://shocklink.net/#/dashboard/tokens)
- For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](https://apidocs.pishock.com/#header-authenticating)
### ShockerIds
List of Shocker-Ids, comma seperated.
`[ "ID-1-asdasd", "ID-2-fghfgh" ]`
OpenShockHttp also can retrieve IDs automatically.
### Intensity Range
in percent
@ -57,8 +52,9 @@ in ms
- `0-30000` OpenShock
- `0-15000` PiShock
### Username (PiShockHttp only)
For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](https://apidocs.pishock.com/#header-authenticating)
## Future
### ~~Username (PiShockHttp only)~~
~~For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](https://apidocs.pishock.com/#header-authenticating)~~
### Sharecode (PiShockHttp only)
For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](https://apidocs.pishock.com/#header-authenticating)
### ~~Sharecode (PiShockHttp only)~~
~~For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](https://apidocs.pishock.com/#header-authenticating)~~