Add Parameters for weight-mapping priorities,

Add parameter to explore x% after path is found.
This commit is contained in:
glax 2024-07-24 01:54:23 +02:00
parent e22a2b69df
commit 956948d2d7
2 changed files with 57 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ using OSM_Regions;
namespace astar
public static class Astar
public class Astar
public static Route FindPath(float startLat, float startLon, float endLat, float endLon, float regionSize, bool car = true, PathMeasure pathing = PathMeasure.Distance, string? importFolderPath = null,
ILogger? logger = null)
private static readonly ValueTuple<float, float, float, float> DefaultPriorityWeights = new(1, 1.4f, 0, 0);
private static readonly ValueTuple<float, float, float, float> OptimizingWeights = new(1, 0, 0, 0.5f);
public static Route FindPath(float startLat, float startLon, float endLat, float endLon, float regionSize, bool car = true, PathMeasure pathing = PathMeasure.Distance, float additionalExploration = 3, string? importFolderPath = null, ILogger? logger = null)
RegionLoader rl = new(regionSize, importFolderPath, logger: logger);
Graph graph = Spiral(rl, startLat, startLon, regionSize);
@ -37,33 +38,42 @@ namespace astar
PriorityQueue<ulong, int> toVisitEnd = new();
toVisitEnd.Enqueue(endNode.Key, 0);
ValueTuple<Node, Node>? meetingEnds = null;
while (toVisitStart.Count > 0 && toVisitEnd.Count > 0)
Route? route = null;
if (toVisitStart.Count >= toVisitEnd.Count && route is null)
if (toVisitStart.Count >= toVisitEnd.Count && meetingEnds is null)
for(int i = 0; i < toVisitStart.Count / 10 && route is null; i++)
route = ExploreSide(true, graph, toVisitStart, rl, priorityHelper, endNode.Value, car, pathing, logger);
for(int i = 0; i < toVisitStart.Count / 10 && meetingEnds is null; i++)
meetingEnds = ExploreSide(true, graph, toVisitStart, rl, priorityHelper, endNode.Value, car, DefaultPriorityWeights, pathing, logger);
if(route is null)
route = ExploreSide(true, graph, toVisitStart, rl, priorityHelper, endNode.Value, car, pathing, logger);
if(meetingEnds is null)
meetingEnds = ExploreSide(true, graph, toVisitStart, rl, priorityHelper, endNode.Value, car, DefaultPriorityWeights, pathing, logger);
if (toVisitEnd.Count >= toVisitStart.Count && route is null)
if (toVisitEnd.Count >= toVisitStart.Count && meetingEnds is null)
for(int i = 0; i < toVisitEnd.Count / 10 && route is null; i++)
route = ExploreSide(false, graph, toVisitEnd, rl, priorityHelper, startNode.Value, car, pathing, logger);
for(int i = 0; i < toVisitEnd.Count / 10 && meetingEnds is null; i++)
meetingEnds = ExploreSide(false, graph, toVisitEnd, rl, priorityHelper, startNode.Value, car, DefaultPriorityWeights, pathing, logger);
if(route is null)
route = ExploreSide(false, graph, toVisitEnd, rl, priorityHelper, startNode.Value, car, pathing, logger);
if(meetingEnds is null)
meetingEnds = ExploreSide(false, graph, toVisitEnd, rl, priorityHelper, startNode.Value, car, DefaultPriorityWeights, pathing, logger);
if (route is not null)
return route;
if (meetingEnds is not null)
logger?.LogDebug($"toVisit-Queues: {toVisitStart.Count} {toVisitStart.UnorderedItems.MinBy(i => i.Priority).Priority} {toVisitEnd.Count} {toVisitEnd.UnorderedItems.MinBy(i => i.Priority).Priority}");
if(meetingEnds is null)
return new Route(graph, Array.Empty<Step>().ToList(), false);
PriorityQueue<ulong, int> combinedQueue = toVisitStart;
while(toVisitEnd.TryDequeue(out ulong id, out int prio))
combinedQueue.Enqueue(id, prio);
ValueTuple<Node, Node>? newMeetingEnds = Optimize(additionalExploration, graph, combinedQueue, car, rl, priorityHelper, pathing, startNode.Value, endNode.Value, logger);
meetingEnds = newMeetingEnds ?? meetingEnds;
return PathFound(graph, meetingEnds!.Value.Item1, meetingEnds.Value.Item2, car, logger);
private static Route? ExploreSide(bool fromStart, Graph graph, PriorityQueue<ulong, int> toVisit, RegionLoader rl, PriorityHelper priorityHelper, Node goalNode, bool car, PathMeasure pathing = PathMeasure.Distance, ILogger? logger = null)
private static ValueTuple<Node, Node>? ExploreSide(bool fromStart, Graph graph, PriorityQueue<ulong, int> toVisit, RegionLoader rl, PriorityHelper priorityHelper, Node goalNode, bool car, ValueTuple<float,float,float,float> ratingWeights, PathMeasure pathing = PathMeasure.Distance, ILogger? logger = null)
ulong currentNodeId = toVisit.Dequeue();
Node currentNode = graph.Nodes[currentNodeId];
@ -92,8 +102,9 @@ namespace astar
Node neighborNode = graph.Nodes[neighborId];
if (neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart is not null && neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart != fromStart)//Check if we found the opposite End
return fromStart ? PathFound(graph, currentNode, neighborNode, car, logger) : PathFound(graph, neighborNode, currentNode, car, logger);
if (neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart is not null &&
neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart != fromStart) //Check if we found the opposite End
return fromStart ? new(currentNode, neighborNode) : new(neighborNode, currentNode);
float metric = (currentNode.Metric ?? float.MaxValue) + (pathing is PathMeasure.Distance
? (float)currentNode.DistanceTo(neighborNode)
@ -103,7 +114,8 @@ namespace astar
neighborNode.PreviousNodeId = currentNodeId;
neighborNode.Metric = metric;
neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart = fromStart;
toVisit.Enqueue(neighborId, priorityHelper.CalculatePriority(currentNode, neighborNode, goalNode, speed));
priorityHelper.CalculatePriority(currentNode, neighborNode, goalNode, speed, ratingWeights));
logger?.LogTrace($"Neighbor {neighborId} {neighborNode}");
@ -111,9 +123,27 @@ namespace astar
return null;
private static ValueTuple<Node, Node>? Optimize(float additionalExploration, Graph graph, PriorityQueue<ulong, int> combinedQueue, bool car, RegionLoader rl, PriorityHelper priorityHelper, PathMeasure pathing, Node startNode, Node goalNode, ILogger? logger = null)
int currentPathLength = graph.Nodes.Values.Count(node => node.PreviousNodeId is not null);
int optimizeAfterFound = (int)(currentPathLength * additionalExploration); //Check another x% of unexplored Paths.
logger?.LogInformation($"Path found (explored {currentPathLength} Nodes). Optimizing route. (exploring {optimizeAfterFound} additional Nodes)");
ValueTuple<Node, Node>? newMeetingEnds = null;
while (optimizeAfterFound-- > 0 && combinedQueue.Count > 0)
ulong nodeId = combinedQueue.Peek();
Node node = graph.Nodes[nodeId];
bool fromStart = (bool)node.PreviousIsFromStart!;
newMeetingEnds = ExploreSide(fromStart, graph, combinedQueue, rl, priorityHelper, fromStart ? goalNode : startNode, car, OptimizingWeights, pathing, logger);
return newMeetingEnds;
private static Route PathFound(Graph graph, Node fromStart, Node fromEnd, bool car = true, ILogger? logger = null)
logger?.LogInformation("Path found!");
List<Step> path = new();
OSM_Graph.Way toNeighbor = graph.Ways[fromStart.Neighbors.First(n => graph.Nodes[n.Key] == fromEnd).Value.Key];
path.Add(new Step(fromStart, fromEnd, (float)fromStart.DistanceTo(fromEnd), SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(toNeighbor, car)));

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ public class PriorityHelper(double totalDistance, byte maxSpeed)
private readonly double _totalDistance = totalDistance;
private readonly byte _maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
public int CalculatePriority(Node current, Node neighbor, Node goal, byte speed)
public int CalculatePriority(Node current, Node neighbor, Node goal, byte speed, ValueTuple<float, float, float, float> ratingWeights)
double neighborDistanceToGoal = neighbor.DistanceTo(goal); //we want this to be small
double currentDistanceToGoal = current.DistanceTo(goal);
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ public class PriorityHelper(double totalDistance, byte maxSpeed)
neighborDistanceToGoal * neighborDistanceToGoal) /
(2 * currentDistanceToGoal * currentDistanceToNeighbor)));
//double distanceRating = 100 - neighborDistanceToGoal / _totalDistance * 100;
double angleRating = 100 - (angle < 180 ? angle / 180 : (360 - angle) / 180) * 100;
double speedRating = speed * 1.0 / _maxSpeed * 100;
//double distanceSpeedRating = ((totalDistance / _maxSpeed) / (neighborDistanceToGoal / speed)) * 100;
double angleRating = 100 - (angle < 180 ? angle / 180 : (360 - angle) / 180) * 100;
double distanceImprovedRating = 100 - (neighborDistanceToGoal - currentDistanceToGoal ) / _totalDistance * 100;
double distanceSpeedRating = ((_totalDistance / _maxSpeed) / (neighborDistanceToGoal / speed)) * 100;
return (int)-(speedRating + angleRating * 1.4);
return (int)-(speedRating * ratingWeights.Item1 + angleRating * ratingWeights.Item2 + distanceImprovedRating * ratingWeights.Item3 + distanceSpeedRating * ratingWeights.Item4);