using Logging; using Graph; namespace astar { public class Astar { /* * Loads the graph, chooses two nodes at random and calls a* */ public Astar(Dictionary nodes, Logger ?logger = null) { Random r = new(); List path = new(); while(path.Count < 1) { Node n1 = nodes[nodes.Keys.ElementAt(r.Next(0, nodes.Count - 1))]; Node n2 = nodes[nodes.Keys.ElementAt(r.Next(0, nodes.Count - 1))]; logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "From {0} - {1} to {2} - {3} Distance {4}",, n1.lon,, n2.lon, Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(n1,n2)); path = FindPath(ref nodes, n1, n2, ref logger); } logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Path found"); foreach (Node n in path) logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "lat {0:000.00000} lon {1:000.00000} traveled {2:0000.00} / {3:0000.00} beeline {4:0000.00}",, n.lon, n.pathLength, path.ElementAt(path.Count-1).pathLength, n.goalDistance); } /* * Resets the calculated previous nodes and distance to goal */ private static void Reset(ref Dictionary nodes) { foreach(Node n in nodes.Values) { n.previousNode = Node.nullnode; n.goalDistance = float.MaxValue; } } /* * */ private static List FindPath(ref Dictionary nodes, Node start, Node goal, ref Logger? logger) { Reset(ref nodes); List toVisit = new(); toVisit.Add(start); Node currentNode = start; start.pathLength = 0; start.goalDistance = Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(start, goal); while (currentNode != goal && toVisit.Count > 0) { currentNode = toVisit.First(); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "toVisit-length: {0} path: {1} goal: {2}", toVisit.Count, currentNode.pathLength, currentNode.goalDistance); //Check all neighbors of current node foreach (Edge e in currentNode.edges) { if (e.neighbor.goalDistance == double.MaxValue) e.neighbor.goalDistance = Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(e.neighbor, goal); if (e.neighbor.pathLength > currentNode.pathLength + e.weight) { e.neighbor.pathLength = currentNode.pathLength + e.weight; e.neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; toVisit.Add(e.neighbor); } } toVisit.Remove(currentNode); //"Mark" as visited toVisit.Sort(CompareDistanceToGoal); } List path = new(); if (currentNode == goal) { if(toVisit[0].pathLength < goal.pathLength) { logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Way found, checking for shorter option."); while (toVisit[0].pathLength < goal.pathLength) { currentNode = toVisit.First(); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "toVisit-length: {0} path: {1} goal: {2}", toVisit.Count, currentNode.pathLength, currentNode.goalDistance); //Check all neighbors of current node foreach (Edge e in currentNode.edges) { if (e.neighbor.goalDistance == double.MaxValue) e.neighbor.goalDistance = Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(e.neighbor, goal); if (e.neighbor.pathLength > currentNode.pathLength + e.weight) { e.neighbor.pathLength = currentNode.pathLength + e.weight; e.neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; toVisit.Add(e.neighbor); } } toVisit.Remove(currentNode); //"Mark" as visited toVisit.Sort(CompareDistanceToGoal); } } else { logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Way found, shortest option."); } } else { logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "No path between {0} - {1} and {2} - {3}",, start.lon,, goal.lon); return path; } path.Add(goal); while(currentNode != start) { path.Add(currentNode.previousNode); currentNode = currentNode.previousNode; } path.Reverse(); return path; } /* * Compares two nodes and returns the node closer to the goal */ private static int CompareDistanceToGoal(Node n1, Node n2) { if (n1 == null || n2 == null) return 0; else { if (n1.goalDistance < n2.goalDistance) return -1; else if (n1.goalDistance > n2.goalDistance) return 1; else return 0; } } } }