using Logging; using System.Xml; using Graph; namespace OpenStreetMap_Importer { public class Importer { private static XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new() { IgnoreWhitespace = true, IgnoreComments = true }; public static Dictionary Import(string filePath = "", Logger ?logger = null) { Dictionary nodes; /* * First iteration * Import "ways" with a tag "highway" * Count occurances of "nodes" to find junctions */ Stream mapData = File.Exists(filePath) ? new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) : new MemoryStream(; Dictionary occuranceCount = new(); List ways = GetWays(mapData, ref occuranceCount); mapData.Close(); logger?.Log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Loaded Ways: {0} Required Nodes: {1}", ways.Count, occuranceCount.Count); /* * Second iteration * Import nodes that are needed by the "ways" */ mapData = File.Exists(filePath) ? new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) : new MemoryStream(; nodes = ImportNodes(mapData, occuranceCount, logger); mapData.Close(); /* * Add connections between nodes (only junctions, e.g. nodes are referenced more than once) * Remove non-junction nodes */ logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Calculating Edges and distances..."); ulong edges = 0; foreach(Way way in ways) { Node junction1 = nodes[way.nodeIds[0]]; Node junction2; float weight = 0; //Iterate Node-ids in current way forwards or backwards (depending on way.direction) if (way.direction == Way.wayDirection.forward) { for (int index = 0; index < way.nodeIds.Count - 1; index++) { Node currentNode = nodes[way.nodeIds[index]]; Node nextNode = nodes[way.nodeIds[index + 1]]; weight += Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(currentNode, nextNode); if (occuranceCount[way.nodeIds[index + 1]] > 1 || index == way.nodeIds.Count - 2) { /* * If Node is referenced more than once => Junction * If Node is last node of way => Junction * Add an edge between two junctions */ junction2 = nodes[way.nodeIds[index + 1]]; junction1.edges.Add(new Edge(junction2, weight)); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "EDGE {0} -- {1} --> {2}", way.nodeIds[index], weight, way.nodeIds[index + 1]); edges++; if (!way.oneway) { junction2.edges.Add(new Edge(junction1, weight)); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "EDGE {0} -- {1} --> {2}", way.nodeIds[index + 1], weight, way.nodeIds[index]); edges++; } junction1 = junction2; weight = 0; } } } else { for (int index = way.nodeIds.Count - 2; index > 0; index--) { Node currentNode = nodes[way.nodeIds[index]]; Node nextNode = nodes[way.nodeIds[index - 1]]; weight += Utils.DistanceBetweenNodes(currentNode, nextNode); if (occuranceCount[way.nodeIds[index - 1]] > 1 || index == 1) { /* * If Node is referenced more than once => Junction * If Node is last node of way => Junction * Add an edge between two junctions */ junction2 = nodes[way.nodeIds[index - 1]]; junction1.edges.Add(new Edge(junction2, weight)); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "EDGE {0} -- {1} --> {2}", way.nodeIds[index], weight, way.nodeIds[index - 1]); edges++; if (!way.oneway) { junction2.edges.Add(new Edge(junction1, weight)); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "EDGE {0} -- {1} --> {2}", way.nodeIds[index - 1], weight, way.nodeIds[index]); edges++; } junction1 = junction2; weight = 0; } } } } logger?.Log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Loaded Edges: {0}", edges); return nodes.Where(node => occuranceCount[node.Key] > 1).ToDictionary(node => node.Key, node => node.Value); } private static List GetWays(Stream mapData, ref Dictionary occuranceCount, Logger? logger = null) { List _ways = new(); bool _isWay = false; Way _currentWay = new(); XmlReader _reader = XmlReader.Create(mapData, readerSettings); _reader.MoveToContent(); logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Importing ways and counting nodes..."); while (_reader.Read()) { if (_reader.Name == "way" && _reader.IsStartElement()) { logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "WAY {0} nodes {1}", _currentWay.highway.ToString(), _currentWay.nodeIds.Count); if (_currentWay.highway != Way.highwayType.NONE) { _ways.Add(_currentWay); foreach (ulong id in _currentWay.nodeIds) if (occuranceCount.ContainsKey(id)) occuranceCount[id]++; else occuranceCount.TryAdd(id, 1); } _isWay = true; _currentWay = new Way(); } else if (_reader.Name == "tag" && _isWay) { #pragma warning disable CS8600 //tags will always have a value and key #pragma warning disable CS8604 string value = _reader.GetAttribute("v"); string key = _reader.GetAttribute("k"); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "TAG {0} {1}", key, value); #pragma warning restore CS8600 switch (key) { case "highway": _currentWay.SetHighwayType(value); break; case "oneway": switch (value) { case "yes": _currentWay.oneway = true; break; /*case "no": currentWay.oneway = false; break;*/ case "-1": _currentWay.oneway = true; _currentWay.direction = Way.wayDirection.backward; break; } break; /*case "name": break;*/ } #pragma warning restore CS8604 } else if (_reader.Name == "nd" && _isWay) { ulong id = Convert.ToUInt64(_reader.GetAttribute("ref")); _currentWay.nodeIds.Add(id); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "nd: {0}", id); } else if (_reader.Name == "node") { _isWay = false; } } _reader.Close(); GC.Collect(); return _ways; } private static Dictionary ImportNodes(Stream mapData, Dictionary occuranceCount, Logger? logger = null) { Dictionary nodes = new(); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(mapData, readerSettings); reader.MoveToContent(); logger?.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Importing nodes..."); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.Name == "node") { ulong id = Convert.ToUInt64(reader.GetAttribute("id")); if (occuranceCount.ContainsKey(id)) { #pragma warning disable CS8602 //node will always have a lat and lon float lat = Convert.ToSingle(reader.GetAttribute("lat").Replace('.', ',')); float lon = Convert.ToSingle(reader.GetAttribute("lon").Replace('.', ',')); #pragma warning restore CS8602 nodes.TryAdd(id, new Node(lat, lon)); logger?.Log(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "NODE {0} {1} {2} {3}", id, lat, lon, occuranceCount[id]); } } } reader.Close(); GC.Collect(); return nodes; } internal struct Way { public List nodeIds; public bool oneway; public wayDirection direction; public highwayType highway; public enum wayDirection { forward, backward } public Dictionary speed = new() { { highwayType.NONE, 1 }, { highwayType.motorway, 130 }, { highwayType.trunk, 125 }, { highwayType.primary, 110 }, { highwayType.secondary, 100 }, { highwayType.tertiary, 90 }, { highwayType.unclassified, 40 }, { highwayType.residential, 20 }, { highwayType.motorway_link, 50 }, { highwayType.trunk_link, 50 }, { highwayType.primary_link, 30 }, { highwayType.secondary_link, 25 }, { highwayType.tertiary_link, 25 }, { highwayType.living_street, 20 }, { highwayType.service, 10 }, { highwayType.pedestrian, 10 }, { highwayType.track, 1 }, { highwayType.bus_guideway, 5 }, { highwayType.escape, 1 }, { highwayType.raceway, 1 }, { highwayType.road, 25 }, { highwayType.busway, 5 }, { highwayType.footway, 1 }, { highwayType.bridleway, 1 }, { highwayType.steps, 1 }, { highwayType.corridor, 1 }, { highwayType.path, 10 }, { highwayType.cycleway, 5 }, {, 1 } }; public enum highwayType { NONE, motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, motorway_link, trunk_link, primary_link, secondary_link, tertiary_link, living_street, service, pedestrian, track, bus_guideway, escape, raceway, road, busway, footway, bridleway, steps, corridor, path, cycleway, construction } public Way() { this.nodeIds = new List(); this.oneway = false; this.direction = wayDirection.forward; this.highway = highwayType.NONE; } public void SetHighwayType(string waytype) { try { this.highway = (highwayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(highwayType), waytype, true); }catch(Exception) { this.highway = highwayType.NONE; } } } } }