Library to interact with Shock-Collars that are remotely controllable via ESP32-Boards. [![GitHub License](]( [![NuGet Version](]( # Usage ```csharp public static void Main(string[] args){ List shockerIds = new(); IntensityRange intensityRange = new IntensityRange(30, 50); DurationRange durationRange = new DurationRange(1000, 2000); string apiKey = ":)"; OpenShockHttp openShockHttp = new OpenShockHttp(shockerIds, intensityRange, durationRange, apiKey); openShockHttp.ShockerIds.AddRange(openShockHttp.GetShockers()); string username = "username"; string shareCode = "sharecode"; PiShockHttp piShockHttp = new PiShockHttp(shockerIds, intensityRange, durationRange, apiKey, username, shareCode, apiUri); ControlAction action = ControlAction.Shock; openShockHttp.Control(action, shockerIds.First(), 20, 1000); piShockHttp.Control(action); } ``` ## `Shocker.Control` ```csharp Control(ControlAction action, string? shockerId = null, int? intensity = null, int? duration = null) ``` If `shockerId` is `null`, all IDs will be used. If `intensity` or `duration` are `null`, a random value within the configured range will be used. ### ControlAction From [here]( ## Variables ### ApiKey - For OpenShock (HTTP) get token [here]( - For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here]( ### ShockerIds List of Shocker-Ids, comma seperated. `[ "ID-1-asdasd", "ID-2-fghfgh" ]` OpenShockHttp also can retrieve IDs automatically. ### Intensity Range in percent `0-100` ### Duration Range in ms - `0-30000` OpenShock - `0-15000` PiShock ### Username (PiShockHttp only) For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here]( ### Sharecode (PiShockHttp only) For PiShock (HTTP) get information [here](