# OBSBlur ...allows the _safer_ use of DisplayCaptures in OBS Studio, by overlaying an image over specific windows. There is **_no guarantee_** that there will be absolutely no information spill. No responsibility is taken by me. ## Prerequisites OBS-Websocket (now included in OBSStudio by default). ## Installation and configuration Download, or compile, OBSBlur and start. A `config.json` will be created in the same folder. Edit values to match OBS-Websocket settings (include `ws://` before the address). There is two options for blurring: 1. By executable (e.g. chrome.exe) `BlurPrograms` 2. By window-title `BlurWindows` `EnabledScenes` is a collection of Scene-Names (OBS) where there is a DisplayCapture. `DisplayCaptureName` is the name of the SceneItem (Source) that should be referenced for position.