Example `config.json`. Place next to executable. Will also be generated on first start. ``` { "SteamId": "", "OpenShockSettings": { "Endpoint": "https://api.shocklink.net", "ApiKey": "", "Shockers": [ " comma seperated" ] }, "IntensityRange": { "Min": 30, "Max": 60 }, "DurationRange": { "Min": 1000, "Max": 1000 }, "Actions": { "OnKill": "Beep", "OnDeath": "Shock", "OnRoundStart": "Nothing", "OnRoundEnd": "Vibrate", "OnRoundWin": "Nothing", "OnRoundLoss": "Shock" } } ``` ### SteamId Your SteamId64 [here](https://steamid.io/lookup) ### ApiKey For OpenShock get token [here](https://shocklink.net/#/dashboard/tokens) ### Shockers List of Shocker-Ids, comma seperated. Get Id [here](https://shocklink.net/#/dashboard/shockers/own). Press the three dots -> Edit Example `[ "ID-1", "ID-2" ]` ### Intensity Range `0-100` ### Duration Range in ms ### Values for `Actions` - Beep - Shock - Vibrate