using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace Tranga; /// /// Contains information on a Publication (Manga) /// public readonly struct Publication { public string sortName { get; } public string? author { get; } public Dictionary altTitles { get; } // ReSharper disable trice MemberCanBePrivate.Global, trust public string? description { get; } public string[] tags { get; } public string? posterUrl { get; } public string? posterBase64 { get; } public Dictionary links { get; } public int? year { get; } public string? originalLanguage { get; } public string status { get; } public string folderName { get; } public string publicationId { get; } public string internalId { get; } public Publication(string sortName, string? author, string? description, Dictionary altTitles, string[] tags, string? posterUrl, string? posterBase64, Dictionary? links, int? year, string? originalLanguage, string status, string publicationId) { this.sortName = sortName; = author; this.description = description; this.altTitles = altTitles; this.tags = tags; this.posterBase64 = posterBase64; this.posterUrl = posterUrl; this.links = links ?? new Dictionary(); this.year = year; this.originalLanguage = originalLanguage; this.status = status; this.publicationId = publicationId; this.folderName = string.Concat(sortName.Split(Path.GetInvalidPathChars().Concat(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()).ToArray())); string onlyLowerLetters = string.Concat(this.sortName.ToLower().Where(Char.IsLetter)); this.internalId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{onlyLowerLetters}{this.year}")); } /// Serialized JSON String for series.json public string GetSeriesInfoJson() { SeriesInfo si = new (new Metadata(this.sortName, this.year.ToString() ?? string.Empty, this.status, this.description ?? "")); return System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(si); } //Only for series.json private struct SeriesInfo { // ReSharper disable once UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Local we need it, trust [JsonRequired]public Metadata metadata { get; } public SeriesInfo(Metadata metadata) => this.metadata = metadata; } //Only for series.json what an abomination, why are all the fields not-null???? private struct Metadata { // ReSharper disable UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Local we need them all, trust me [JsonRequired] public string type { get; } [JsonRequired] public string publisher { get; } // ReSharper disable twice IdentifierTypo [JsonRequired] public int comicid { get; } [JsonRequired] public string booktype { get; } // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming This one property is capitalized. Why? [JsonRequired] public string ComicImage { get; } [JsonRequired] public int total_issues { get; } [JsonRequired] public string publication_run { get; } [JsonRequired]public string name { get; } [JsonRequired]public string year { get; } [JsonRequired]public string status { get; } [JsonRequired]public string description_text { get; } public Metadata(string name, string year, string status, string description_text) { = name; this.year = year; if(status == "ongoing" || status == "hiatus") this.status = "Continuing"; else if (status == "completed" || status == "cancelled") this.status = "Ended"; else this.status = status; this.description_text = description_text; //kill it with fire, but otherwise Komga will not parse type = "Manga"; publisher = ""; comicid = 0; booktype = ""; ComicImage = ""; total_issues = 0; publication_run = ""; } } }