using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Tranga.LibraryManagers; using Tranga.NotificationManagers; namespace Tranga; public class TrangaSettings { public string downloadLocation { get; set; } public string workingDirectory { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public string settingsFilePath => Path.Join(workingDirectory, "settings.json"); [JsonIgnore] public string tasksFilePath => Path.Join(workingDirectory, "tasks.json"); [JsonIgnore] public string coverImageCache => Path.Join(workingDirectory, "imageCache"); public HashSet libraryManagers { get; } public HashSet notificationManagers { get; } public TrangaSettings(string downloadLocation, string workingDirectory, HashSet? libraryManagers, HashSet? notificationManagers) { if (downloadLocation.Length < 1 || workingDirectory.Length < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Download-location and working-directory paths can not be empty!"); this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory; this.downloadLocation = downloadLocation; this.libraryManagers = libraryManagers??new(); this.notificationManagers = notificationManagers??new(); } public static TrangaSettings LoadSettings(string importFilePath, Logger? logger) { if (!File.Exists(importFilePath)) return new TrangaSettings(Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Downloads"), Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), new HashSet(), new HashSet()); string toRead = File.ReadAllText(importFilePath); TrangaSettings settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(toRead, new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = { new NotificationManager.NotificationManagerJsonConverter(), new LibraryManager.LibraryManagerJsonConverter() } })!; if (logger is not null) { foreach (LibraryManager lm in settings.libraryManagers) lm.AddLogger(logger); foreach(NotificationManager nm in settings.notificationManagers) nm.AddLogger(logger); } return settings; } public void ExportSettings() { if (File.Exists(settingsFilePath)) { bool inUse = true; while (inUse) { try { using FileStream stream = new (settingsFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); stream.Close(); inUse = false; } catch (IOException) { inUse = true; Thread.Sleep(50); } } } File.WriteAllText(settingsFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); } public void UpdateSettings(UpdateField field, Logger? logger = null, params string[] values) { switch (field) { case UpdateField.DownloadLocation: if (values.Length != 1) return; this.downloadLocation = values[0]; break; case UpdateField.Komga: if (values.Length != 2) return; libraryManagers.RemoveWhere(lm => lm.GetType() == typeof(Komga)); libraryManagers.Add(new Komga(values[0], values[1], logger)); break; case UpdateField.Kavita: if (values.Length != 3) return; libraryManagers.RemoveWhere(lm => lm.GetType() == typeof(Kavita)); libraryManagers.Add(new Kavita(values[0], values[1], values[2], logger)); break; case UpdateField.Gotify: if (values.Length != 2) return; notificationManagers.RemoveWhere(nm => nm.GetType() == typeof(Gotify)); Gotify newGotify = new(values[0], values[1], logger); notificationManagers.Add(newGotify); newGotify.SendNotification("Success!", "Gotify was added to Tranga!"); break; case UpdateField.LunaSea: if(values.Length != 1) return; notificationManagers.RemoveWhere(nm => nm.GetType() == typeof(LunaSea)); LunaSea newLunaSea = new(values[0], logger); notificationManagers.Add(newLunaSea); newLunaSea.SendNotification("Success!", "LunaSea was added to Tranga!"); break; } ExportSettings(); } public enum UpdateField { DownloadLocation, Komga, Kavita, Gotify, LunaSea} }