2024-12-14 21:53:29 +01:00
using System.Net ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using API.MangaDownloadClients ;
using HtmlAgilityPack ;
namespace API.Schema.MangaConnectors ;
public class ManhuaPlus : MangaConnector
public ManhuaPlus ( ) : base ( "ManhuaPlus" , [ "en" ] , [ "manhuaplus.org" ] )
this . downloadClient = new ChromiumDownloadClient ( ) ;
public override Manga [ ] GetManga ( string publicationTitle = "" )
string sanitizedTitle = string . Join ( ' ' , Regex . Matches ( publicationTitle , "[A-z]*" ) . Where ( str = > str . Length > 0 ) ) . ToLower ( ) ;
string requestUrl = $"https://manhuaplus.org/search?keyword={sanitizedTitle}" ;
RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient . MakeRequest ( requestUrl , RequestType . Default ) ;
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if ( ( int ) requestResult . statusCode < 200 | | ( int ) requestResult . statusCode > = 300 | | requestResult . htmlDocument is null )
return [ ] ;
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Manga [ ] publications = ParsePublicationsFromHtml ( requestResult . htmlDocument ) ;
return publications ;
private Manga [ ] ParsePublicationsFromHtml ( HtmlDocument document )
if ( document . DocumentNode . SelectSingleNode ( "//h1/../.." ) . ChildNodes //I already want to not.
. Any ( node = > node . InnerText . Contains ( "No manga found" ) ) )
return Array . Empty < Manga > ( ) ;
List < string > urls = document . DocumentNode
. SelectNodes ( "//h1/../..//a[contains(@href, 'https://manhuaplus.org/manga/') and contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' clamp ') and not(contains(@href, '/chapter'))]" )
. Select ( mangaNode = > mangaNode . GetAttributeValue ( "href" , "" ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
HashSet < Manga > ret = new ( ) ;
foreach ( string url in urls )
Manga ? manga = GetMangaFromUrl ( url ) ;
if ( manga is not null )
ret . Add ( ( Manga ) manga ) ;
return ret . ToArray ( ) ;
public override Manga ? GetMangaFromId ( string publicationId )
return GetMangaFromUrl ( $"https://manhuaplus.org/manga/{publicationId}" ) ;
public override Manga ? GetMangaFromUrl ( string url )
Regex publicationIdRex = new ( @"https:\/\/manhuaplus.org\/manga\/(.*)(\/.*)*" ) ;
string publicationId = publicationIdRex . Match ( url ) . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ;
RequestResult requestResult = this . downloadClient . MakeRequest ( url , RequestType . MangaInfo ) ;
if ( ( int ) requestResult . statusCode < 300 & & ( int ) requestResult . statusCode > = 200 & & requestResult . htmlDocument is not null & & requestResult . redirectedToUrl ! = "https://manhuaplus.org/home" ) //When manga doesnt exists it redirects to home
return ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml ( requestResult . htmlDocument , publicationId , url ) ;
return null ;
private Manga ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml ( HtmlDocument document , string publicationId , string websiteUrl )
string originalLanguage = "" , status = "" ;
Dictionary < string , string > altTitles = new ( ) , links = new ( ) ;
HashSet < string > tags = new ( ) ;
MangaReleaseStatus releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . Unreleased ;
HtmlNode posterNode = document . DocumentNode . SelectSingleNode ( "/html/body/main/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/figure/a/img" ) ; //BRUH
Regex posterRex = new ( @".*(\/uploads/covers/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\~\!\$\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\:\@]+).*" ) ;
string posterUrl = $"https://manhuaplus.org/{posterRex.Match(posterNode.GetAttributeValue(" src ", " ")).Groups[1].Value}" ;
HtmlNode titleNode = document . DocumentNode . SelectSingleNode ( "//h1" ) ;
string sortName = titleNode . InnerText . Replace ( "\n" , "" ) ;
List < string > authors = new ( ) ;
HtmlNode [ ] authorsNodes = document . DocumentNode
. SelectNodes ( "//a[contains(@href, 'https://manhuaplus.org/authors/')]" )
. ToArray ( ) ;
foreach ( HtmlNode authorNode in authorsNodes )
authors . Add ( authorNode . InnerText ) ;
catch ( ArgumentNullException e )
HtmlNode [ ] genreNodes = document . DocumentNode
. SelectNodes ( "//a[contains(@href, 'https://manhuaplus.org/genres/')]" ) . ToArray ( ) ;
foreach ( HtmlNode genreNode in genreNodes )
tags . Add ( genreNode . InnerText . Replace ( "\n" , "" ) ) ;
catch ( ArgumentNullException e )
Regex yearRex = new ( @"(?:[0-9]{1,2}\/){2}([0-9]{2,4}) [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}" ) ;
HtmlNode yearNode = document . DocumentNode . SelectSingleNode ( "//aside//i[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' fa-clock ')]/../span" ) ;
Match match = yearRex . Match ( yearNode . InnerText ) ;
int year = match . Success & & match . Groups [ 1 ] . Success ? int . Parse ( match . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ) : 1960 ;
status = document . DocumentNode . SelectSingleNode ( "//aside//i[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' fa-rss ')]/../span" ) . InnerText . Replace ( "\n" , "" ) ;
switch ( status . ToLower ( ) )
case "cancelled" : releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . Cancelled ; break ;
case "hiatus" : releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . OnHiatus ; break ;
case "discontinued" : releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . Cancelled ; break ;
case "complete" : releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . Completed ; break ;
case "ongoing" : releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus . Continuing ; break ;
HtmlNode descriptionNode = document . DocumentNode
. SelectSingleNode ( "//div[@id='syn-target']" ) ;
string description = descriptionNode . InnerText ;
Manga manga = //TODO
return manga ;
public override Chapter [ ] GetChapters ( Manga manga , string language = "en" )
RequestResult result = downloadClient . MakeRequest ( $"https://manhuaplus.org/manga/{manga.MangaId}" , RequestType . Default ) ;
if ( ( int ) result . statusCode < 200 | | ( int ) result . statusCode > = 300 | | result . htmlDocument is null )
return Array . Empty < Chapter > ( ) ;
HtmlNodeCollection chapterNodes = result . htmlDocument . DocumentNode . SelectNodes ( "//li[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' chapter ')]//a" ) ;
string [ ] urls = chapterNodes . Select ( node = > node . GetAttributeValue ( "href" , "" ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
Regex urlRex = new ( @".*\/chapter-([0-9\-]+).*" ) ;
List < Chapter > chapters = new ( ) ;
foreach ( string url in urls )
Match rexMatch = urlRex . Match ( url ) ;
float chapterNumber = float . Parse ( rexMatch . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ) ;
string fullUrl = url ;
chapters . Add ( new Chapter ( manga , fullUrl , chapterNumber , null , null ) ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
//Return Chapters ordered by Chapter-Number
return chapters . Order ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
internal override string [ ] GetChapterImageUrls ( Chapter chapter )
RequestResult requestResult = this . downloadClient . MakeRequest ( chapter . Url , RequestType . Default ) ;
if ( ( int ) requestResult . statusCode < 200 | | ( int ) requestResult . statusCode > = 300 | | requestResult . htmlDocument is null )
return [ ] ;
HtmlDocument document = requestResult . htmlDocument ;
HtmlNode [ ] images = document . DocumentNode . SelectNodes ( "//a[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' readImg ')]/img" ) . ToArray ( ) ;
List < string > urls = images . Select ( node = > node . GetAttributeValue ( "src" , "" ) ) . ToList ( ) ;
return urls . ToArray ( ) ;