Merge pull request 'cuttingedge' (!58) from cuttingedge into master

Reviewed-on: #58
This commit is contained in:
glax 2023-10-12 20:48:15 +02:00
commit f01a786e59
7 changed files with 254 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: New Connector Request
description: Request a new site to be added
title: "[New Connector]: "
labels: ["New Connector"]
- type: input
label: Website-Link
placeholder: https://
required: true
- type: checkboxes
label: Is the Website free to access?
description: We can't support pay-to-use sites.
- label: The Website is freely accessible.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Anything else?
required: false

View File

@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
# Important for existing users:
Tranga just had a complete rewrite. Old settings, tasks, etc. will not work.
~~For the time being the docker-tag `latest` will be the old, discontinued branch.~~ `cuttingedge` is the active branch and
will soon be moved to the `latest` branch (This is now the case). There is no migration-tool. Make a backup of old files.
<summary>Table of Contents</summary>
@ -57,10 +52,12 @@ will soon be moved to the `latest` branch (This is now the case). There is no mi
Tranga can download Chapters and Metadata from "Scanlation" sites such as
- [](
- [](
- [Mangasee](
- [MangaKatana](
- []( (Multilingual)
- []( (en)
- []( (en)
- []( (en)
- []( (it)
- []( (en)
- ❓ Open an [issue](
and trigger an scan with [Komga]( and [Kavita](

View File

@ -170,6 +170,13 @@ public class JobBoss : GlobalBase
if (job is DownloadNewChapters dncJob)
HashSet<string> coverFileNames = cachedPublications.Select(manga => manga.coverFileNameInCache!).ToHashSet();
foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(settings.coverImageCache))
if(!coverFileNames.Any(existingManga => fileName.Contains(existingManga)))
private void UpdateJobFile(Job job)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Tranga.Jobs;
namespace Tranga.MangaConnectors;
public class Bato : MangaConnector
public Bato(GlobalBase clone) : base(clone, "Bato")
this.downloadClient = new HttpDownloadClient(clone, new Dictionary<byte, int>()
{1, 60}
public override Manga[] GetManga(string publicationTitle = "")
Log($"Searching Publications. Term=\"{publicationTitle}\"");
string sanitizedTitle = string.Join(' ', Regex.Matches(publicationTitle, "[A-z]*").Where(m => m.Value.Length > 0)).ToLower();
string requestUrl = $"{sanitizedTitle}&lang=en";
DownloadClient.RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, 1);
if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300)
return Array.Empty<Manga>();
if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null)
Log($"Failed to retrieve site");
return Array.Empty<Manga>();
Manga[] publications = ParsePublicationsFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument);
Log($"Retrieved {publications.Length} publications. Term=\"{publicationTitle}\"");
return publications;
public override Manga? GetMangaFromUrl(string url)
DownloadClient.RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient.MakeRequest(url, 1);
if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300)
return null;
if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null)
Log($"Failed to retrieve site");
return null;
return ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument, url.Split('/')[^1]);
private Manga[] ParsePublicationsFromHtml(HtmlDocument document)
HtmlNode mangaList = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@data-hk='0-0-2']");
if (!mangaList.ChildNodes.Any(node => node.Name == "div"))
return Array.Empty<Manga>();
List<string> urls = mangaList.ChildNodes
.Select(node => $"{node.Descendants("div").First().FirstChild.GetAttributeValue("href", "")}").ToList();
HashSet<Manga> ret = new();
foreach (string url in urls)
Manga? manga = GetMangaFromUrl(url);
if (manga is not null)
return ret.ToArray();
private Manga ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(HtmlDocument document, string publicationId)
HtmlNode infoNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div/main/div[1]/div[2]");
string sortName = infoNode.Descendants("h3").First().InnerText;
string description = document.DocumentNode
.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),'prose')]").InnerText;
string[] altTitlesList = infoNode.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[2].InnerText.Split('/');
int i = 0;
Dictionary<string, string> altTitles = altTitlesList.ToDictionary(s => i++.ToString(), s => s);
string posterUrl = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img")
.First(child => child.GetAttributeValue("data-hk", "") == "0-1-0").GetAttributeValue("src", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
string coverFileNameInCache = SaveCoverImageToCache(posterUrl, 1);
List<HtmlNode> genreNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//b[text()='Genres:']/..").SelectNodes("span").ToList();
string[] tags = genreNodes.Select(node => node.FirstChild.InnerText).ToArray();
List<HtmlNode> authorsNodes = infoNode.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[3].Descendants("a").ToList();
List<string> authors = authorsNodes.Select(node => node.InnerText.Replace("amp;", "")).ToList();
HtmlNode? originalLanguageNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[text()='Tr From']/..");
string originalLanguage = originalLanguageNode is not null ? originalLanguageNode.LastChild.InnerText : "";
if (!int.TryParse(
document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[text()='Original Publication:']/..").LastChild.InnerText.Split('-')[0],
out int year))
year = DateTime.Now.Year;
string status = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[text()='Original Publication:']/..")
Manga manga = new (sortName, authors, description, altTitles, tags, posterUrl, coverFileNameInCache, new Dictionary<string, string>(),
year, originalLanguage, status, publicationId);
return manga;
public override Chapter[] GetChapters(Manga manga, string language="en")
Log($"Getting chapters {manga}");
string requestUrl = $"{manga.publicationId}";
// Leaving this in for verification if the page exists
DownloadClient.RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, 1);
if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300)
return Array.Empty<Chapter>();
//Return Chapters ordered by Chapter-Number
List<Chapter> chapters = ParseChaptersFromHtml(manga, requestUrl);
Log($"Got {chapters.Count} chapters. {manga}");
return chapters.OrderBy(chapter => Convert.ToSingle(chapter.chapterNumber, numberFormatDecimalPoint)).ToArray();
private List<Chapter> ParseChaptersFromHtml(Manga manga, string mangaUrl)
// Using HtmlWeb will include the chapters since they are loaded with js
HtmlWeb web = new();
HtmlDocument document = web.Load(mangaUrl);
List<Chapter> ret = new();
HtmlNode chapterList =
Regex chapterNumberRex = new(@"Chapter ([0-9\.]+)");
foreach (HtmlNode chapterInfo in chapterList.SelectNodes("div"))
HtmlNode infoNode = chapterInfo.FirstChild.FirstChild;
string fullString = infoNode.InnerText;
string? volumeNumber = null;
string chapterNumber = chapterNumberRex.Match(fullString).Groups[1].Value;
string chapterName = chapterNumber;
string url = $"{infoNode.GetAttributeValue("href", "")}?load=2";
ret.Add(new Chapter(manga, chapterName, volumeNumber, chapterNumber, url));
return ret;
public override HttpStatusCode DownloadChapter(Chapter chapter, ProgressToken? progressToken = null)
if (progressToken?.cancellationRequested ?? false)
return HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout;
Manga chapterParentManga = chapter.parentManga;
Log($"Retrieving chapter-info {chapter} {chapterParentManga}");
string requestUrl = chapter.url;
// Leaving this in to check if the page exists
DownloadClient.RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, 1);
if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300)
return requestResult.statusCode;
string[] imageUrls = ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(requestUrl);
string comicInfoPath = Path.GetTempFileName();
File.WriteAllText(comicInfoPath, chapter.GetComicInfoXmlString());
return DownloadChapterImages(imageUrls, chapter.GetArchiveFilePath(settings.downloadLocation), 1, comicInfoPath, "", progressToken:progressToken);
private string[] ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(string mangaUrl)
DownloadClient.RequestResult requestResult =
downloadClient.MakeRequest(mangaUrl, 1);
if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300)
return Array.Empty<string>();
if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null)
Log($"Failed to retrieve site");
return Array.Empty<string>();
HtmlDocument document = requestResult.htmlDocument;
HtmlNode images = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//astro-island").First(node =>
node.GetAttributeValue("component-url", "").Contains("/_astro/ImageList."));
string weirdString = images.OuterHtml;
string weirdString2 = Regex.Match(weirdString, @"props=\""(.*)}\""").Groups[1].Value;
string[] urls = Regex.Matches(weirdString2, @"https:\/\/[A-z\-0-9\.\?\&\;\=\/]*").Select(m => m.Value.Replace("\\&quot;]", "").Replace("amp;", "")).ToArray();
return urls;

View File

@ -213,8 +213,7 @@ public abstract class MangaConnector : GlobalBase
//Download all Images to temporary Folder
foreach (string imageUrl in imageUrls)
string[] split = imageUrl.Split('.');
string extension = split[^1];
string extension = imageUrl.Split('.')[^1].Split('?')[0];
Log($"Downloading image {chapter + 1:000}/{imageUrls.Length:000}"); //TODO
HttpStatusCode status = DownloadImage(imageUrl, Path.Join(tempFolder, $"{chapter++}.{extension}"), requestType, referrer);
Log($"{saveArchiveFilePath} {chapter + 1:000}/{imageUrls.Length:000} {status}");
@ -247,7 +246,8 @@ public abstract class MangaConnector : GlobalBase
protected string SaveCoverImageToCache(string url, byte requestType)
string filename = url.Split('/')[^1].Split('?')[0];
string filetype = url.Split('/')[^1].Split('?')[0].Split('.')[^1];
string filename = $"{DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()}.{filetype}";
string saveImagePath = Path.Join(settings.coverImageCache, filename);
if (File.Exists(saveImagePath))

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ public class MangaConnectorJsonConverter : JsonConverter
return this._connectors.First(c => c is Mangasee);
case "Mangaworld":
return this._connectors.First(c => c is Mangaworld);
case "Bato":
return this._connectors.First(c => c is Bato);
throw new Exception();

View File

@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ public partial class Tranga : GlobalBase
new Mangasee(this),
new MangaDex(this),
new MangaKatana(this),
new Mangaworld(this)
new Mangaworld(this),
new Bato(this)
jobBoss = new(this, this._connectors);