using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using API.MangaDownloadClients; using HtmlAgilityPack; namespace API.Schema.MangaConnectors; public class Webtoons : MangaConnector { public Webtoons() : base("Webtoons", ["en"], [""]) { this.downloadClient = new HttpDownloadClient(); } // Done public override (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)[] GetManga(string publicationTitle = "") { string sanitizedTitle = string.Join(' ', Regex.Matches(publicationTitle, "[A-z]*").Where(m => m.Value.Length > 0)).ToLower(); string requestUrl = $"{sanitizedTitle}&searchType=WEBTOON"; RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) { return []; } if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return []; } (Manga, List, List, List, List)[] publications = ParsePublicationsFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument); return publications; } // Done public override (Manga, List, List, List, List)? GetMangaFromId(string publicationId) { PublicationManager pb = new PublicationManager(publicationId); return GetMangaFromUrl($"{pb.Category}/{pb.Title}/list?title_no={pb.Id}"); } // Done public override (Manga, List, List, List, List)? GetMangaFromUrl(string url) { RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(url, RequestType.MangaInfo); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) { return null; } if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return null; } Regex regex = new Regex(@".*webtoons\.com/en/(?[^/]+)/(?[^/]+)/list\?title_no=(?<id>\d+).*"); Match match = regex.Match(url); if(match.Success) { PublicationManager pm = new PublicationManager(match.Groups["title"].Value, match.Groups["category"].Value, match.Groups["id"].Value); return ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument, pm.getPublicationId(), url); } return null; } // Done private (Manga, List<Author>, List<MangaTag>, List<Link>, List<MangaAltTitle>)[] ParsePublicationsFromHtml(HtmlDocument document) { HtmlNode mangaList = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//ul[contains(@class, 'card_lst')]"); if (!mangaList.ChildNodes.Any(node => node.Name == "li")) { return []; } List<string> urls = document.DocumentNode .SelectNodes("//ul[contains(@class, 'card_lst')]/li/a") .Select(node => node.GetAttributeValue("href", "")) .ToList(); List<(Manga, List<Author>, List<MangaTag>, List<Link>, List<MangaAltTitle>)> ret = new(); foreach (string url in urls) { (Manga, List<Author>, List<MangaTag>, List<Link>, List<MangaAltTitle>)? manga = GetMangaFromUrl(url); if(manga is { } m) ret.Add(m); } return ret.ToArray(); } private string capitalizeString(string str = "") { if(str.Length == 0) return ""; if(str.Length == 1) return str.ToUpper(); return char.ToUpper(str[0]) + str.Substring(1).ToLower(); } // Done private (Manga, List<Author>, List<MangaTag>, List<Link>, List<MangaAltTitle>) ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(HtmlDocument document, string publicationId, string websiteUrl) { HtmlNode infoNode1 = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='content']/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]"); HtmlNode infoNode2 = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='content']/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]"); string sortName = infoNode1.SelectSingleNode(".//h1[contains(@class, 'subj')]").InnerText; string description = infoNode2.SelectSingleNode(".//p[contains(@class, 'summary')]") .InnerText.Trim(); HtmlNode posterNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'detail_body') and contains(@class, 'banner')]"); Regex regex = new Regex(@"url\((?<url>.*?)\)"); Match match = regex.Match(posterNode.GetAttributeValue("style", "")); string coverUrl = match.Groups["url"].Value; string genre = infoNode1.SelectSingleNode(".//h2[contains(@class, 'genre')]") .InnerText.Trim(); List<MangaTag> mangaTags = [new MangaTag(genre)]; List<HtmlNode> authorsNodes = infoNode1.SelectSingleNode(".//div[contains(@class, 'author_area')]").Descendants("a").ToList(); List<Author> authors = authorsNodes.Select(node => new Author(node.InnerText.Trim())).ToList(); string originalLanguage = ""; uint year = 0; string status1 = infoNode2.SelectSingleNode(".//p").InnerText; string status2 = infoNode2.SelectSingleNode(".//p/span").InnerText; MangaReleaseStatus releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus.Unreleased; if(status2.Length == 0 || status1.ToLower() == "completed") { releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus.Completed; } else if(status2.ToLower() == "up") { releaseStatus = MangaReleaseStatus.Continuing; } Manga manga = new (publicationId, sortName, description, websiteUrl, coverUrl, null, year, originalLanguage, releaseStatus, -1, this, authors, mangaTags, [], []); return (manga, authors, mangaTags, [], []); } // Done public override Chapter[] GetChapters(Manga manga, string language = "en") { PublicationManager pm = new(manga.MangaId); string requestUrl = $"{pm.Category}/{pm.Title}/list?title_no={pm.Id}"; // Leaving this in for verification if the page exists RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) return Array.Empty<Chapter>(); // Get number of pages int pages = requestResult.htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class, 'paginate')]").ChildNodes.ToArray().Length; List<Chapter> chapters = new List<Chapter>(); for(int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) { string pageRequestUrl = $"{requestUrl}&page={page}"; chapters.AddRange(ParseChaptersFromHtml(manga, pageRequestUrl)); } return chapters.Order().ToArray(); } // Done private List<Chapter> ParseChaptersFromHtml(Manga manga, string mangaUrl) { RequestResult result = downloadClient.MakeRequest(mangaUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)result.statusCode < 200 || (int)result.statusCode >= 300 || result.htmlDocument is null) { return new List<Chapter>(); } List<Chapter> ret = new(); foreach (HtmlNode chapterInfo in result.htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul/li[contains(@class, '_episodeItem')]")) { HtmlNode infoNode = chapterInfo.SelectSingleNode(".//a"); string url = infoNode.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); string id = chapterInfo.GetAttributeValue("id", ""); if(id == "") continue; string chapterNumber = chapterInfo.GetAttributeValue("data-episode-no", ""); if(chapterNumber == "") continue; string chapterName = infoNode.SelectSingleNode(".//span[contains(@class, 'subj')]/span").InnerText.Trim(); ret.Add(new Chapter(manga, url, chapterNumber, null, chapterName)); } return ret; } internal override string[] GetChapterImageUrls(Chapter chapter) { string requestUrl = chapter.Url; // Leaving this in to check if the page exists RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) { return []; } string[] imageUrls = ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(requestUrl); return imageUrls; } private string[] ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(string mangaUrl) { RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(mangaUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) { return []; } if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return []; } return requestResult.htmlDocument.DocumentNode .SelectNodes("//*[@id='_imageList']/img") .Select(node => node.GetAttributeValue("data-url", "")) .ToArray(); } } internal class PublicationManager { public PublicationManager(string title = "", string category = "", string id = "") { this.Title = title; this.Category = category; this.Id = id; } public PublicationManager(string publicationId) { string[] parts = publicationId.Split("|"); if(parts.Length == 3) { this.Title = parts[0]; this.Category = parts[1]; this.Id = parts[2]; } else { this.Title = ""; this.Category = ""; this.Id = ""; } } public string getPublicationId() { return $"{this.Title}|{this.Category}|{this.Id}"; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } }