using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using API.MangaDownloadClients; using HtmlAgilityPack; namespace API.Schema.MangaConnectors; public class AsuraToon : MangaConnector { public AsuraToon() : base("AsuraToon", ["en"], [""]) { this.downloadClient = new ChromiumDownloadClient(); } public override (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)[] GetManga(string publicationTitle = "") { string sanitizedTitle = string.Join(' ', Regex.Matches(publicationTitle, "[A-z]*").Where(m => m.Value.Length > 0)).ToLower(); string requestUrl = $"{sanitizedTitle}"; RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) return []; if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return []; } (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)[] publications = ParsePublicationsFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument); return publications; } public override (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)? GetMangaFromId(string publicationId) { return GetMangaFromUrl($"{publicationId}"); } public override (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)? GetMangaFromUrl(string url) { RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(url, RequestType.MangaInfo); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) return null; if (requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return null; } return ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument, url.Split('/')[^1], url); } private (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)[] ParsePublicationsFromHtml(HtmlDocument document) { HtmlNodeCollection mangaList = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[starts-with(@href,'series')]"); if (mangaList is null || mangaList.Count < 1) return []; IEnumerable urls = mangaList.Select(a => $"{a.GetAttributeValue("href", "")}"); List<(Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)> ret = new(); foreach (string url in urls) { (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?)? manga = GetMangaFromUrl(url); if (manga is { } x) ret.Add(x); } return ret.ToArray(); } private (Manga, List?, List?, List?, List?) ParseSinglePublicationFromHtml(HtmlDocument document, string publicationId, string websiteUrl) { string? originalLanguage = null; Dictionary altTitles = new(), links = new(); HtmlNodeCollection genreNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h3[text()='Genres']/../div/button"); string[] tags = genreNodes.Select(b => b.InnerText).ToArray(); List mangaTags = tags.Select(t => new MangaTag(t)).ToList(); HtmlNode statusNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h3[text()='Status']/../h3[2]"); MangaReleaseStatus releaseStatus = statusNode.InnerText.ToLower() switch { "ongoing" => MangaReleaseStatus.Continuing, "hiatus" => MangaReleaseStatus.OnHiatus, "completed" => MangaReleaseStatus.Completed, "dropped" => MangaReleaseStatus.Cancelled, "season end" => MangaReleaseStatus.Continuing, "coming soon" => MangaReleaseStatus.Unreleased, _ => MangaReleaseStatus.Unreleased }; HtmlNode coverNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//img[@alt='poster']"); string coverUrl = coverNode.GetAttributeValue("src", ""); HtmlNode titleNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title"); string sortName = Regex.Match(titleNode.InnerText, @"(.*) - Asura Scans").Groups[1].Value; HtmlNode descriptionNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h3[starts-with(text(),'Synopsis')]/../span"); string description = descriptionNode?.InnerText??""; HtmlNodeCollection authorNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h3[text()='Author']/../h3[not(text()='Author' or text()='_')]"); HtmlNodeCollection artistNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h3[text()='Artist']/../h3[not(text()='Artist' or text()='_')]"); IEnumerable authorNames = authorNodes is null ? [] : authorNodes.Select(a => a.InnerText); IEnumerable artistNames = artistNodes is null ? [] : artistNodes.Select(a => a.InnerText); List authorStrings = authorNames.Concat(artistNames).ToList(); List authors = authorStrings.Select(author => new Author(author)).ToList(); HtmlNode? firstChapterNode = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[contains(@href, 'chapter/1')]/../following-sibling::h3"); uint year = uint.Parse(firstChapterNode?.InnerText.Split(' ')[^1] ?? "2000"); Manga manga = new (publicationId, sortName, description, websiteUrl, coverUrl, null, year, originalLanguage, releaseStatus, -1, this, authors, mangaTags, [], []); return (manga, authors, mangaTags, [], []); } public override Chapter[] GetChapters(Manga manga, string language="en") { string requestUrl = $"{manga.MangaId}"; // Leaving this in for verification if the page exists RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300) return []; //Return Chapters ordered by Chapter-Number List chapters = ParseChaptersFromHtml(manga, requestUrl); return chapters.Order().ToArray(); } private List ParseChaptersFromHtml(Manga manga, string mangaUrl) { RequestResult result = downloadClient.MakeRequest(mangaUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)result.statusCode < 200 || (int)result.statusCode >= 300 || result.htmlDocument is null) { return new List(); } List ret = new(); HtmlNodeCollection chapterURLNodes = result.htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[contains(@href, '/chapter/')]"); Regex infoRex = new(@"Chapter ([0-9]+)(.*)?"); foreach (HtmlNode chapterInfo in chapterURLNodes) { string chapterUrl = chapterInfo.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); Match match = infoRex.Match(chapterInfo.InnerText); if(!ChapterNumber.CanParse(match.Groups[1].Value)) continue; ChapterNumber chapterNumber = new(match.Groups[1].Value); string? chapterName = match.Groups[2].Success && match.Groups[2].Length > 1 ? match.Groups[2].Value : null; string url = $"{chapterUrl}"; try { ret.Add(new Chapter(manga, url, chapterNumber, null, chapterName)); } catch (Exception e) { } } return ret; } internal override string[] GetChapterImageUrls(Chapter chapter) { string requestUrl = chapter.Url; // Leaving this in to check if the page exists RequestResult requestResult = downloadClient.MakeRequest(requestUrl, RequestType.Default); if ((int)requestResult.statusCode < 200 || (int)requestResult.statusCode >= 300 || requestResult.htmlDocument is null) { return []; } string[] imageUrls = ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(requestResult.htmlDocument); return imageUrls; } private string[] ParseImageUrlsFromHtml(HtmlDocument document) { HtmlNodeCollection images = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img[contains(@alt, 'chapter page')]"); return images.Select(i => i.GetAttributeValue("src", "")).ToArray(); } }