#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import asyncio import json import logging import sys from getpass import getpass from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any if __name__ == "__main__": sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent)) from pyhon import Hon, HonAPI, diagnose, printer _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_arguments() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get parsed arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="pyhOn: Command Line Utility") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="user for haier hOn account") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="password for haier hOn account") subparser = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", metavar="COMMAND") keys = subparser.add_parser("keys", help="print as key format") keys.add_argument("keys", help="print as key format", action="store_true") keys.add_argument("--all", help="print also full keys", action="store_true") export = subparser.add_parser("export") export.add_argument("export", help="export pyhon data", action="store_true") export.add_argument("--zip", help="create zip archive", action="store_true") export.add_argument("--anonymous", help="anonymize data", action="store_true") export.add_argument("directory", nargs="?", default=Path().cwd()) translation = subparser.add_parser( "translate", help="print available translation keys" ) translation.add_argument( "translate", help="language (de, en, fr...)", metavar="LANGUAGE" ) translation.add_argument("--json", help="print as json", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--import", help="import pyhon data", nargs="?", default=Path().cwd() ) return vars(parser.parse_args()) async def translate(language: str, json_output: bool = False) -> None: async with HonAPI(anonymous=True) as hon: keys = await hon.translation_keys(language) if json_output: print(json.dumps(keys, indent=4)) else: clean_keys = ( json.dumps(keys) .replace("\\n", "\\\\n") .replace("\\\\r", "") .replace("\\r", "") ) keys = json.loads(clean_keys) print(printer.pretty_print(keys)) def get_login_data(args: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: if not (user := args["user"]): user = input("User for hOn account: ") if not (password := args["password"]): password = getpass("Password for hOn account: ") return user, password async def main() -> None: args = get_arguments() if language := args.get("translate"): await translate(language, json_output=args.get("json", "")) return async with Hon( *get_login_data(args), test_data_path=Path(args.get("import", "")) ) as hon: for device in hon.appliances: if args.get("export"): anonymous = args.get("anonymous", False) path = Path(args.get("directory", ".")) if not args.get("zip"): for file in await diagnose.appliance_data(device, path, anonymous): print(f"Created {file}") else: archive = await diagnose.zip_archive(device, path, anonymous) print(f"Created {archive}") continue print("=" * 10, device.appliance_type, "-", device.nick_name, "=" * 10) if args.get("keys"): data = device.data.copy() attr = "get" if args.get("all") else "pop" print( printer.key_print( data["attributes"].__getattribute__(attr)("parameters") ) ) print(printer.key_print(data.__getattribute__(attr)("appliance"))) print(printer.key_print(data)) print( printer.pretty_print( printer.create_commands(device.commands, concat=True) ) ) else: print(diagnose.yaml_export(device)) def start() -> None: try: asyncio.run(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Aborted.") if __name__ == "__main__": start()