diff --git a/Tranga-CLI/Tranga_Cli.cs b/Tranga-CLI/Tranga_Cli.cs
index b05e894..7fda55a 100644
--- a/Tranga-CLI/Tranga_Cli.cs
+++ b/Tranga-CLI/Tranga_Cli.cs
@@ -8,19 +8,57 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
     public static void Main(string[] args)
-        string folderPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
-        string settingsPath = Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "lastPath.setting");
+        TaskManager.SettingsData settings;
+        string settingsPath = Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "data.json");
         if (File.Exists(settingsPath))
-            folderPath = File.ReadAllText(settingsPath);
+            settings = TaskManager.ImportData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
+        else
+            settings = new TaskManager.SettingsData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null, new HashSet<TrangaTask>());
-        Console.WriteLine($"Output folder path [{folderPath}]:");
+        Console.WriteLine($"Output folder path [{settings.downloadLocation}]:");
         string? tmpPath = Console.ReadLine();
         while(tmpPath is null)
             tmpPath = Console.ReadLine();
         if(tmpPath.Length > 0)
-            folderPath = tmpPath;
-        File.WriteAllText(settingsPath, folderPath);
+            settings.downloadLocation = tmpPath;
+        Console.WriteLine($"Komga BaseURL [{settings.komga?.baseUrl}]:");
+        string? tmpUrl = Console.ReadLine();
+        while (tmpUrl is null)
+            tmpUrl = Console.ReadLine();
+        if (tmpUrl.Length > 0)
+        {
+            Console.WriteLine("Username:");
+            string? tmpUser = Console.ReadLine();
+            while (tmpUser is null || tmpUser.Length < 1)
+                tmpUser = Console.ReadLine();
+            Console.WriteLine("Password:");
+            string tmpPass = string.Empty;
+            ConsoleKey key;
+            do
+            {
+                var keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true);
+                key = keyInfo.Key;
+                if (key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && tmpPass.Length > 0)
+                {
+                    Console.Write("\b \b");
+                    tmpPass = tmpPass[0..^1];
+                }
+                else if (!char.IsControl(keyInfo.KeyChar))
+                {
+                    Console.Write("*");
+                    tmpPass += keyInfo.KeyChar;
+                }
+            } while (key != ConsoleKey.Enter);
+            settings.komga = new Komga(tmpUrl, tmpUser, tmpPass);
+        }
+        //For now only TaskManager mode
+        /*
         Console.Write("Mode (D: Interactive only, T: TaskManager):");
         ConsoleKeyInfo mode = Console.ReadKey();
         while (mode.Key != ConsoleKey.D && mode.Key != ConsoleKey.T)
@@ -28,14 +66,14 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
         if(mode.Key == ConsoleKey.D)
-            DownloadNow(folderPath);
+            DownloadNow(settings);
         else if (mode.Key == ConsoleKey.T)
-            TaskMode(folderPath);
+            TaskMode(settings);*/
+        TaskMode(settings);
-    private static void TaskMode(string folderPath)
+    private static void TaskMode(TaskManager.SettingsData settings)
-        TaskManager.SettingsData settings = TaskManager.ImportData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
         TaskManager taskManager = new TaskManager(settings);
         ConsoleKey selection = ConsoleKey.NoName;
         int menu = 0;
@@ -50,13 +88,18 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
                     menu = 0;
                 case 2:
-                    Connector connector = SelectConnector(folderPath, taskManager.GetAvailableConnectors().Values.ToArray());
                     TrangaTask.Task task = SelectTask();
+                    Connector? connector = null;
+                    if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary)
+                        connector = SelectConnector(settings.downloadLocation, taskManager.GetAvailableConnectors().Values.ToArray());
                     Publication? publication = null;
-                    if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications)
-                        publication = SelectPublication(connector);
+                    if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications && task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary)
+                        publication = SelectPublication(connector!);
                     TimeSpan reoccurrence = SelectReoccurrence();
-                    TrangaTask newTask = taskManager.AddTask(task, connector.name, publication, reoccurrence, "en");
+                    TrangaTask newTask = taskManager.AddTask(task, connector?.name, publication, reoccurrence, "en");
                     Console.WriteLine("Press any key.");
@@ -80,8 +123,7 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
                     while (query is null || query.Length < 1)
                         query = Console.ReadLine();
                     PrintTasks(taskManager.GetAllTasks().Where(qTask =>
-                        ((Publication)qTask.publication!).sortName.ToLower()
-                        .Contains(query, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray());
+                        qTask.ToString().ToLower().Contains(query, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray());
                     Console.WriteLine("Press any key.");
                     menu = 0;
@@ -93,7 +135,7 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
                     menu = 0;
-                    selection = Menu(taskManager, folderPath);
+                    selection = Menu(taskManager, settings.downloadLocation);
                     switch (selection)
                         case ConsoleKey.L:
@@ -129,6 +171,8 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
             Console.WriteLine("Force quit (Even with running tasks?) y/N");
             selection = Console.ReadKey().Key;
+            while(selection != ConsoleKey.Y && selection != ConsoleKey.N)
+                selection = Console.ReadKey().Key;
             taskManager.Shutdown(selection == ConsoleKey.Y);
             // ReSharper disable once RedundantArgumentDefaultValue Better readability
@@ -233,9 +277,9 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
         return TimeSpan.Parse(Console.ReadLine()!, new CultureInfo("en-US"));
-    private static void DownloadNow(string folderPath)
+    private static void DownloadNow(TaskManager.SettingsData settings)
-        Connector connector = SelectConnector(folderPath);
+        Connector connector = SelectConnector(settings.downloadLocation);
         Publication publication = SelectPublication(connector);
diff --git a/Tranga/Komga.cs b/Tranga/Komga.cs
index 964b7b4..6cfa3f5 100644
--- a/Tranga/Komga.cs
+++ b/Tranga/Komga.cs
@@ -1,20 +1,31 @@
-using System.Text.Json;
+using System.Net.Http.Headers;
 using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using JsonSerializer = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer;
 namespace Tranga;
 public class Komga
-    private string baseUrl { get; }
+    [System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonRequired]public string baseUrl { get; }
+    [System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonRequired]public string auth { get; }
-    public Komga(string baseUrl)
+    public Komga(string baseUrl, string username, string password)
         this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
+        this.auth = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{username}:{password}"));
+    }
+    [JsonConstructor]
+    public Komga(string baseUrl, string auth)
+    {
+        this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
+        this.auth = auth;
     public KomgaLibrary[] GetLibraries()
-        Stream data = NetClient.MakeRequest($"{baseUrl}/api/v1/libraries");
+        Stream data = NetClient.MakeRequest($"{baseUrl}/api/v1/libraries", auth);
         JsonArray? result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonArray>(data);
         if (result is null)
             return Array.Empty<KomgaLibrary>();
@@ -34,7 +45,7 @@ public class Komga
     public bool UpdateLibrary(string libraryId)
-        return NetClient.MakePost($"{baseUrl}/api/v1/libraries/{libraryId}/scan");
+        return NetClient.MakePost($"{baseUrl}/api/v1/libraries/{libraryId}/scan", auth);
     public struct KomgaLibrary
@@ -51,19 +62,37 @@ public class Komga
     private static class NetClient
-        public static Stream MakeRequest(string url)
+        public static Stream MakeRequest(string url, string auth)
             HttpClient client = new();
-            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new(HttpMethod.Get, url);
+            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage
+            {
+                Method = HttpMethod.Get,
+                RequestUri = new Uri(url),
+                Headers =
+                {
+                    { "Accept", "application/json" },
+                    { "Authorization", new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", auth).ToString() }
+                }
+            };
             HttpResponseMessage response = client.Send(requestMessage);
             Stream resultString = response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? response.Content.ReadAsStream() : Stream.Null;
             return resultString;
-        public static bool MakePost(string url)
+        public static bool MakePost(string url, string auth)
             HttpClient client = new();
-            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new(HttpMethod.Post, url);
+            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage
+            {
+                Method = HttpMethod.Post,
+                RequestUri = new Uri(url),
+                Headers =
+                {
+                    { "Accept", "application/json" },
+                    { "Authorization", new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", auth).ToString() }
+                }
+            };
             HttpResponseMessage response = client.Send(requestMessage);
             return response.IsSuccessStatusCode;
diff --git a/Tranga/TaskExecutor.cs b/Tranga/TaskExecutor.cs
index 0f44a18..82a4bbd 100644
--- a/Tranga/TaskExecutor.cs
+++ b/Tranga/TaskExecutor.cs
@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@
 /// </summary>
 public static class TaskExecutor
     /// <summary>
     /// Executes TrangaTask.
     /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="connectors">List of all available Connectors</param>
+    /// <param name="taskManager">Parent</param>
     /// <param name="trangaTask">Task to execute</param>
     /// <param name="chapterCollection">Current chapterCollection to update</param>
     /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Is thrown when there is no Connector available with the name of the TrangaTask.connectorName</exception>
-    public static void Execute(Connector[] connectors, TrangaTask trangaTask, Dictionary<Publication, List<Chapter>> chapterCollection)
+    public static void Execute(TaskManager taskManager, TrangaTask trangaTask, Dictionary<Publication, List<Chapter>> chapterCollection)
-        //Get Connector from list of available Connectors and the required Connector of the TrangaTask
-        Connector? connector = connectors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.name == trangaTask.connectorName);
-        if (connector is null)
-            throw new ArgumentException($"Connector {trangaTask.connectorName} is not a known connector.");
+        Connector? connector = null;
+        if (trangaTask.task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary)
+        {
+            //Get Connector from list of available Connectors and the required Connector of the TrangaTask
+            if (!taskManager.GetAvailableConnectors().TryGetValue(trangaTask.connectorName, out connector))
+                throw new ArgumentException($"Connector {trangaTask.connectorName} is not a known connector.");
+        }
         if (trangaTask.isBeingExecuted)
@@ -31,19 +33,37 @@ public static class TaskExecutor
         switch (trangaTask.task)
             case TrangaTask.Task.DownloadNewChapters:
-                DownloadNewChapters(connector, (Publication)trangaTask.publication!, trangaTask.language, chapterCollection);
+                DownloadNewChapters(connector!, (Publication)trangaTask.publication!, trangaTask.language, chapterCollection);
             case TrangaTask.Task.UpdateChapters:
-                UpdateChapters(connector, (Publication)trangaTask.publication!, trangaTask.language, chapterCollection);
+                UpdateChapters(connector!, (Publication)trangaTask.publication!, trangaTask.language, chapterCollection);
             case TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications:
-                UpdatePublications(connector, chapterCollection);
+                UpdatePublications(connector!, chapterCollection);
+                break;
+            case TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary:
+                UpdateKomgaLibrary(taskManager);
         trangaTask.isBeingExecuted = false;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Updates all Komga-Libraries
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="taskManager">Parent</param>
+    private static void UpdateKomgaLibrary(TaskManager taskManager)
+    {
+        if (taskManager.komga is null)
+            return;
+        Komga komga = taskManager.komga;
+        Komga.KomgaLibrary[] allLibraries = komga.GetLibraries();
+        foreach (Komga.KomgaLibrary lib in allLibraries)
+            komga.UpdateLibrary(lib.id);
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Updates the available Publications from a Connector (all of them)
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Tranga/TaskManager.cs b/Tranga/TaskManager.cs
index a58fba0..b0018e3 100644
--- a/Tranga/TaskManager.cs
+++ b/Tranga/TaskManager.cs
@@ -14,19 +14,21 @@ public class TaskManager
     private bool _continueRunning = true;
     private readonly Connector[] _connectors;
     private string downloadLocation { get; }
-    private string? komgaBaseUrl { get; }
+    public Komga? komga { get; private set; }
     /// <param name="folderPath">Local path to save data (Manga) to</param>
     /// <param name="komgaBaseUrl">The Url of the Komga-instance that you want to update</param>
-    public TaskManager(string folderPath, string? komgaBaseUrl = null)
+    public TaskManager(string folderPath, string? komgaBaseUrl = null, string? komgaUsername = null, string? komgaPassword = null)
+        this.downloadLocation = folderPath;
+        if (komgaBaseUrl != null && komgaUsername != null && komgaPassword != null)
+            this.komga = new Komga(komgaBaseUrl, komgaUsername, komgaPassword);
         this._connectors = new Connector[]{ new MangaDex(folderPath) };
         _chapterCollection = new();
         _allTasks = new HashSet<TrangaTask>();
-        this.downloadLocation = folderPath;
-        this.komgaBaseUrl = komgaBaseUrl;
         Thread taskChecker = new(TaskCheckerThread);
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ public class TaskManager
         this._connectors = new Connector[]{ new MangaDex(settings.downloadLocation) };
         _chapterCollection = new();
         this.downloadLocation = settings.downloadLocation;
-        this.komgaBaseUrl = settings.komgaUrl;
+        this.komga = settings.komga;
         _allTasks = settings.allTasks;
         Thread taskChecker = new(TaskCheckerThread);
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ public class TaskManager
             foreach (TrangaTask task in _allTasks)
-                    TaskExecutor.Execute(this._connectors, task, this._chapterCollection); //TODO Might crash here, when adding new Task while another Task is running. Check later
+                    TaskExecutor.Execute(this, task, this._chapterCollection); //TODO Might crash here, when adding new Task while another Task is running. Check later
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public class TaskManager
         Task t = new Task(() =>
-            TaskExecutor.Execute(this._connectors, task, this._chapterCollection);
+            TaskExecutor.Execute(this, task, this._chapterCollection);
@@ -80,24 +82,44 @@ public class TaskManager
     /// <param name="reoccurrence">Time-Interval between Executions</param>
     /// <param name="language">language, should Task require parameter. Can be empty</param>
     /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Is thrown when connectorName is not a available Connector</exception>
-    public TrangaTask AddTask(TrangaTask.Task task, string connectorName, Publication? publication, TimeSpan reoccurrence,
+    public TrangaTask AddTask(TrangaTask.Task task, string? connectorName, Publication? publication, TimeSpan reoccurrence,
         string language = "")
-        //Get appropriate Connector from available Connectors for TrangaTask
-        Connector? connector = _connectors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.name == connectorName);
-        if (connector is null)
-            throw new ArgumentException($"Connector {connectorName} is not a known connector.");
-        TrangaTask newTask = new TrangaTask(connector.name, task, publication, reoccurrence, language);
-        //Check if same task already exists
-        if (!_allTasks.Any(trangaTask => trangaTask.task != task && trangaTask.connectorName != connector.name &&
-                                         trangaTask.publication?.downloadUrl != publication?.downloadUrl))
+        if (task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary && connectorName is null)
+            throw new ArgumentException($"connectorName can not be null for task {task}");
+        TrangaTask newTask;
+        if (task == TrangaTask.Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary)
-            if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications)
-                _chapterCollection.Add((Publication)publication!, new List<Chapter>());
-            _allTasks.Add(newTask);
-            ExportData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
+            newTask = new TrangaTask(task, null, null, reoccurrence, language);
+            //Check if same task already exists
+            // ReSharper disable once SimplifyLinqExpressionUseAll readabilty
+            if (!_allTasks.Any(trangaTask => trangaTask.task == task))
+            {
+                _allTasks.Add(newTask);
+            }
+        else
+        {
+            //Get appropriate Connector from available Connectors for TrangaTask
+            Connector? connector = _connectors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.name == connectorName);
+            if (connector is null)
+                throw new ArgumentException($"Connector {connectorName} is not a known connector.");
+            newTask = new TrangaTask(task, connector.name, publication, reoccurrence, language);
+            //Check if same task already exists
+            if (!_allTasks.Any(trangaTask => trangaTask.task == task && trangaTask.connectorName == connector.name &&
+                                             trangaTask.publication?.downloadUrl == publication?.downloadUrl))
+            {
+                if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications)
+                    _chapterCollection.Add((Publication)publication!, new List<Chapter>());
+                _allTasks.Add(newTask);
+            }
+        }
+        ExportData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
         return newTask;
@@ -134,6 +156,12 @@ public class TaskManager
         return this._chapterCollection.Keys.ToArray();
+    public void NewKomga(Komga? pKomga)
+    {
+        this.komga = pKomga;
+        this.ExportData(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
+    }
     /// <summary>
     /// Shuts down the taskManager.
@@ -167,7 +195,7 @@ public class TaskManager
     private void ExportData(string exportFolderPath)
-        SettingsData data = new SettingsData(this.downloadLocation, this.komgaBaseUrl, this._allTasks);
+        SettingsData data = new SettingsData(this.downloadLocation, this.komga, this._allTasks);
         string exportPath = Path.Join(exportFolderPath, "data.json");
         string serializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
@@ -176,14 +204,14 @@ public class TaskManager
     public class SettingsData
-        public string downloadLocation { get; }
-        public string? komgaUrl { get; }
+        public string downloadLocation { get; set; }
+        public Komga? komga { get; set; }
         public HashSet<TrangaTask> allTasks { get; }
-        public SettingsData(string downloadLocation, string? komgaUrl, HashSet<TrangaTask> allTasks)
+        public SettingsData(string downloadLocation, Komga? komga, HashSet<TrangaTask> allTasks)
             this.downloadLocation = downloadLocation;
-            this.komgaUrl = komgaUrl;
+            this.komga = komga;
             this.allTasks = allTasks;
diff --git a/Tranga/TrangaTask.cs b/Tranga/TrangaTask.cs
index fc33466..686c1fd 100644
--- a/Tranga/TrangaTask.cs
+++ b/Tranga/TrangaTask.cs
@@ -11,16 +11,20 @@ public class TrangaTask
     // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global I want it thaaat way
     public TimeSpan reoccurrence { get; }
     public DateTime lastExecuted { get; set; }
-    public string connectorName { get; }
+    public string? connectorName { get; }
     public Task task { get; }
     public Publication? publication { get; }
     public string language { get; }
     [JsonIgnore]public bool isBeingExecuted { get; set; }
-    public TrangaTask(string connectorName, Task task, Publication? publication, TimeSpan reoccurrence, string language = "")
+    public TrangaTask(Task task, string? connectorName, Publication? publication, TimeSpan reoccurrence, string language = "")
-        if (task != Task.UpdatePublications && publication is null)
-            throw new ArgumentException($"Publication has to be not null for task {task}");
+        if(task != Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary && connectorName is null)
+            throw new ArgumentException($"connectorName can not be null for task {task}");
+        if (publication is null && task != Task.UpdatePublications && task != Task.UpdateKomgaLibrary)
+            throw new ArgumentException($"Publication can not be null for task {task}");
         this.publication = publication;
         this.reoccurrence = reoccurrence;
         this.lastExecuted = DateTime.Now.Subtract(reoccurrence);
@@ -39,7 +43,8 @@ public class TrangaTask
-        DownloadNewChapters
+        DownloadNewChapters,
+        UpdateKomgaLibrary
     public override string ToString()