using System.Globalization; using Tranga; using Tranga.Connectors; namespace Tranga_CLI; public static class Tranga_Cli { public static void Main(string[] args) { string folderPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string settingsPath = Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "lastPath.setting"); if (File.Exists(settingsPath)) folderPath = File.ReadAllText(settingsPath); Console.WriteLine($"Output folder path [{folderPath}]:"); string? tmpPath = Console.ReadLine(); while(tmpPath is null) tmpPath = Console.ReadLine(); if(tmpPath.Length > 0) folderPath = tmpPath; File.WriteAllText(settingsPath, folderPath); Console.Write("Mode (D: Interactive only, T: TaskManager):"); ConsoleKeyInfo mode = Console.ReadKey(); while (mode.Key != ConsoleKey.D && mode.Key != ConsoleKey.T) mode = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); if(mode.Key == ConsoleKey.D) DownloadNow(folderPath); else if (mode.Key == ConsoleKey.T) TaskMode(folderPath); } private static void TaskMode(string folderPath) { TaskManager taskManager = new TaskManager(folderPath); ConsoleKey selection = ConsoleKey.NoName; int menu = 0; while (selection != ConsoleKey.Escape && selection != ConsoleKey.Q) { switch (menu) { case 1: PrintTasks(taskManager.GetAllTasks()); Console.WriteLine("Press any key."); Console.ReadKey(); menu = 0; break; case 2: Connector connector = SelectConnector(folderPath, taskManager.GetAvailableConnectors().Values.ToArray()); TrangaTask.Task task = SelectTask(); Publication? publication = null; if(task != TrangaTask.Task.UpdatePublications) publication = SelectPublication(connector); TimeSpan reoccurrence = SelectReoccurrence(); taskManager.AddTask(task,, publication, reoccurrence, "en"); Console.WriteLine($"{task} - {} - {publication?.sortName}"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key."); Console.ReadKey(); menu = 0; break; case 3: RemoveTask(taskManager); Console.WriteLine("Press any key."); Console.ReadKey(); menu = 0; break; case 4: ExecuteTask(taskManager); Console.WriteLine("Press any key."); Console.ReadKey(); menu = 0; break; default: selection = Menu(taskManager, folderPath); switch (selection) { case ConsoleKey.L: menu = 1; break; case ConsoleKey.C: menu = 2; break; case ConsoleKey.D: menu = 3; break; case ConsoleKey.E: menu = 4; break; default: menu = 0; break; } break; } } if (taskManager.GetAllTasks().Any(task => task.isBeingExecuted)) { Console.WriteLine("Force quit (Even with running tasks?) y/N"); selection = Console.ReadKey().Key; taskManager.Shutdown(selection == ConsoleKey.Y); }else taskManager.Shutdown(false); } private static ConsoleKey Menu(TaskManager taskManager, string folderPath) { int taskCount = taskManager.GetAllTasks().Length; int taskRunningCount = taskManager.GetAllTasks().Count(task => task.isBeingExecuted); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Download Folder: {folderPath} Tasks (Running/Total): {taskRunningCount}/{taskCount}"); Console.WriteLine("L: List tasks"); Console.WriteLine("C: Create Task"); Console.WriteLine("D: Delete Task"); Console.WriteLine("E: Execute Task now"); Console.WriteLine("Q: Exit"); ConsoleKey selection = Console.ReadKey().Key; Console.WriteLine(); return selection; } private static void PrintTasks(TrangaTask[] tasks) { int taskCount = tasks.Length; int taskRunningCount = tasks.Count(task => task.isBeingExecuted); Console.Clear(); int tIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine($"Tasks (Running/Total): {taskRunningCount}/{taskCount}"); foreach(TrangaTask trangaTask in tasks) Console.WriteLine($"{tIndex++}: {trangaTask.task} - {trangaTask.reoccurrence} - {trangaTask.publication?.sortName} - {trangaTask.connectorName} - {trangaTask.lastExecuted} - {(trangaTask.isBeingExecuted ? "Running" : "Waiting")}"); } private static void ExecuteTask(TaskManager taskManager) { TrangaTask[] tasks = taskManager.GetAllTasks(); PrintTasks(tasks); Console.WriteLine($"Select Task (0-{tasks.Length}):"); string? selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); while(selectedTask is null || selectedTask.Length < 1) selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); int selectedTaskIndex = Convert.ToInt32(selectedTask); taskManager.ExecuteTaskNow(tasks[selectedTaskIndex]); } private static void RemoveTask(TaskManager taskManager) { TrangaTask[] tasks = taskManager.GetAllTasks(); PrintTasks(tasks); Console.WriteLine($"Select Task (0-{tasks.Length}):"); string? selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); while(selectedTask is null || selectedTask.Length < 1) selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); int selectedTaskIndex = Convert.ToInt32(selectedTask); taskManager.RemoveTask(tasks[selectedTaskIndex].task, tasks[selectedTaskIndex].connectorName, tasks[selectedTaskIndex].publication); } private static TrangaTask.Task SelectTask() { Console.Clear(); string[] taskNames = Enum.GetNames<TrangaTask.Task>(); int tIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine("Available Tasks:"); foreach (string taskName in taskNames) Console.WriteLine($"{tIndex++}: {taskName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Select Task (0-{taskNames.Length}):"); string? selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); while(selectedTask is null || selectedTask.Length < 1) selectedTask = Console.ReadLine(); int selectedTaskIndex = Convert.ToInt32(selectedTask); string selectedTaskName = taskNames[selectedTaskIndex]; return Enum.Parse<TrangaTask.Task>(selectedTaskName); } private static TimeSpan SelectReoccurrence() { Console.WriteLine("Select reoccurrence Timer (Format hh:mm:ss):"); return TimeSpan.Parse(Console.ReadLine()!, new CultureInfo("en-US")); } private static void DownloadNow(string folderPath) { Connector connector = SelectConnector(folderPath); Publication publication = SelectPublication(connector); Chapter[] downloadChapters = SelectChapters(connector, publication); if (downloadChapters.Length > 0) { connector.DownloadCover(publication); connector.SaveSeriesInfo(publication); } foreach (Chapter chapter in downloadChapters) { Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {publication.sortName} V{chapter.volumeNumber}C{chapter.chapterNumber}"); connector.DownloadChapter(publication, chapter); } } private static Connector SelectConnector(string folderPath, Connector[]? availableConnectors = null) { Console.Clear(); Connector[] connectors = availableConnectors ?? new Connector[] { new MangaDex(folderPath) }; int cIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine("Connectors:"); foreach (Connector connector in connectors) Console.WriteLine($"{cIndex++}: {}"); Console.WriteLine($"Select Connector (0-{connectors.Length - 1}):"); string? selectedConnector = Console.ReadLine(); while(selectedConnector is null || selectedConnector.Length < 1) selectedConnector = Console.ReadLine(); int selectedConnectorIndex = Convert.ToInt32(selectedConnector); return connectors[selectedConnectorIndex]; } private static Publication SelectPublication(Connector connector) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Connector: {}"); Console.WriteLine("Publication search query (leave empty for all):"); string? query = Console.ReadLine(); Publication[] publications = connector.GetPublications(query ?? ""); int pIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine("Publications:"); foreach(Publication publication in publications) Console.WriteLine($"{pIndex++}: {publication.sortName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Select publication to Download (0-{publications.Length - 1}):"); string? selected = Console.ReadLine(); while(selected is null || selected.Length < 1) selected = Console.ReadLine(); return publications[Convert.ToInt32(selected)]; } private static Chapter[] SelectChapters(Connector connector, Publication publication) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Connector: {} Publication: {publication.sortName}"); Chapter[] chapters = connector.GetChapters(publication, "en"); int cIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine("Chapters:"); foreach (Chapter ch in chapters) { string name = cIndex.ToString(); if ( is not null && > 0) name =; else if (ch.chapterNumber is not null && ch.chapterNumber.Length > 0) name = ch.chapterNumber; Console.WriteLine($"{cIndex++}: {name}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Select Chapters to download (0-{chapters.Length - 1}) [range x-y or 'a' for all]: "); string? selected = Console.ReadLine(); while(selected is null || selected.Length < 1) selected = Console.ReadLine(); int start = 0; int end = 0; if (selected == "a") end = chapters.Length - 1; else if (selected.Contains('-')) { string[] split = selected.Split('-'); start = Convert.ToInt32(split[0]); end = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); } else { start = Convert.ToInt32(selected); end = Convert.ToInt32(selected); } return chapters.Skip(start).Take((end + 1)-start).ToArray(); } }