Fix Bug when strings where shorter than 25 characters on logger.writeline

Fixed CLI output
This commit is contained in:
glax 2023-06-01 22:27:37 +02:00
parent e977bed5a5
commit 0d3799e00d
3 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ public static class Tranga_Cli
int tIndex = 0;
Console.WriteLine($"Tasks (Running/Queue/Total): {taskRunningCount}/{taskEnqueuedCount}/{taskCount}");
string header =
$"{"",-5}{"Task",-20} | {"Last Executed",-20} | {"Reoccurrence",-12} | {"State",-10} | {"Connector",-15} | Publication/Manga";
$"{"",-5}{"Task",-20} | {"Last Executed",-20} | {"Reoccurrence",-12} | {"State",-10} | {"Connector",-15} | {"Progress",-9} | Publication/Manga";
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', header.Length));
foreach (TrangaTask trangaTask in tasks)
string[] taskSplit = trangaTask.ToString().Split(", ");
Console.WriteLine($"{tIndex++:000}: {taskSplit[0],-20} | {taskSplit[1],-20} | {taskSplit[2],-12} | {taskSplit[3],-10} | {(taskSplit.Length > 4 ? taskSplit[4] : ""),-15} | {(taskSplit.Length > 5 ? taskSplit[5] : "")}");
Console.WriteLine($"{tIndex++:000}: {taskSplit[0],-20} | {taskSplit[1],-20} | {taskSplit[2],-12} | {taskSplit[3],-10} | {(taskSplit.Length > 4 ? taskSplit[4] : ""),-15} | {(taskSplit.Length > 5 ? taskSplit[5] : ""),-9} |{(taskSplit.Length > 6 ? taskSplit[6] : "")}");

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public abstract class Connector
string[] split = imageUrl.Split('.');
string extension = split[^1];
logger?.WriteLine("Connector", $"Downloading Image {chapter + 1:000}/{imageUrls.Length:000} {(parentTask.publication?.sortName)![..25],-25} {(parentTask.publication?.internalId)![..25],-25} Total Task Progress: {parentTask.progress:00.0}%");
logger?.WriteLine("Connector", $"Downloading Image {chapter + 1:000}/{imageUrls.Length:000} {(parentTask.publication?.sortName)![..(int)(parentTask.publication?.sortName.Length > 25 ? 25 : parentTask.publication?.sortName.Length)!],-25} {(parentTask.publication?.internalId)![..(int)(parentTask.publication?.internalId.Length > 25 ? 25 : parentTask.publication?.internalId.Length)!],-25} Total Task Progress: {parentTask.progress:00.0}%");
DownloadImage(imageUrl, Path.Join(tempFolder, $"{chapter++}.{extension}"), requestType, referrer);

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public abstract class TrangaTask
public override string ToString()
return $"{task}, {lastExecuted}, {reoccurrence}, {state} {(connectorName is not null ? $", {connectorName}" : "" )} {(publication is not null ? $", {publication?.sortName}": "")}";
return $"{task}, {lastExecuted}, {reoccurrence}, {state} {(connectorName is not null ? $", {connectorName}" : "" )} {(publication is not null ? $", {progress:00.00}%" : "")} {(publication is not null ? $", {publication?.sortName}" : "")}";
public class TrangaTaskJsonConverter : JsonConverter