The Estrada Lab (University of Michigan) 7e54577c54 Added initial documentation for API Calls
2024-04-06 18:05:27 -04:00

7.3 KiB

Tranga API Calls

This document serves to outline all of the different HTTP API calls that Tranga accepts. Tranga expects specific HTTP methods for its calls and therefore careful attention must be paid when making them. In the examples below, {apiUri} refers to your http(s)://TRANGA.FRONTEND.URI/api. Parameters are included in the HTTP request URI and the request body is in JSON format. Tranga responses are always in the JSON format within the Response Body.

[GET] /Connectors

Retrieves the available manga sites (connectors) that Tranga is currently able to download manga from.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Jobs

Retrieves all jobs that Tranga is keeping track of, includes Running Jobs, Waiting Jobs, Manga Tracking (Monitoring) Jobs.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[DELETE] /Jobs

Removes the specified job given by the job ID

  • Request Variables:

    • None
  • Request Body:

    	jobId: ${Tranga Job ID}

[POST] /Jobs/Cancel

Cancels a running job or prevents a queued job from running.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	jobId: ${Tranga Job ID}

[POST] /Jobs/DownloadNewChapters

Manually adds a Job to Tranga's queue to check for and download new chapters for a specified manga

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	connector: ${Manga Connector to Download From}
    	internalId: ${Tranga Manga ID}
    	translatedLanguage: ${Manga Language}

[GET] /Jobs/Running

Retrieves all currently running jobs.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[POST] /Jobs/StartNow

Manually starts a configured job

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	jobId: ${Tranga Job ID}


Retrieves all currently queued jobs.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Jobs/MonitorJobs

Retrieves all jobs for Mangas that Tranga is currently tracking.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[POST] /Jobs/MonitorManga

Adds a new manga for Tranga to monitor

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	connector: ${Manga Connector to download from}
    	internalId: ${Tranga Manga ID}
    	interval: ${Interval at which to run job, in the HH:MM:SS format}
    	translatedLanguage: ${Supported language code}
    	ignoreBelowChapterNum: ${Chapter number to start downloading from}
    	customFolderName: ${Folder Name to save Manga to}

[GET] /Jobs/Progress

Retrieves the current completion progress of a running or waiting job. Tranga's ID for the Job is returned with each of the GET /Job/ API calls.

  • Parameters:

    • {jobId}: Tranga Job ID
  • Request Body: None

[POST] /Jobs/UpdateMetadata

Updates the metadata for all monitored mangas

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /LibraryConnectors

Retrieves the currently configured library servers

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[DELETE] /LibraryConnectors/Reset

Resets or clears a configured library connector

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	libraryConnector: Komga/Kavita

[POST] /LibraryConnectors/Test

Verifies the behavior of a library connector before saving it. The connector must be checked to verify that the connection is active.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	libraryConnector: Komga/Kavita
    	libraryURL: ${Library URL}
    	komgaAuth: Only for when libraryConnector = Komga
    	kavitaUsername: Only for when libraryConnector = Kavita
    	kavitaPassword: Only for when libraryConnector = Kavita

[GET] /LibraryConnectors/Types

Retrives Key-Value pairs for all of Tranga's currently supported library servers.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[POST] /LibraryConnectors/Update

Updates or Adds a Library Connector to Tranga

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	libraryConnector: Komga/Kavita
    	libraryURL: ${Library URL}
    	komgaAuth: Only for when libraryConnector = Komga
    	kavitaUsername: Only for when libraryConnector = Kavita
    	kavitaPassword: Only for when libraryConnector = Kavita

[GET] /LogFile

Retrieves the log file from the running Tranga instance

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Manga/FromConnector

Retrieves the details about a specified manga from a specific connector. If the manga title returned by Tranga is a URL (determined by the presence of http in the title, the API call should use the second call with the url rather than the title.

  • Parameters:

    • {connector}: Manga Connector
    • {url/title}: Manga URL/Title
  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Manga/Chapters

Retrieves the currently available chapters for a specified manga from a connector. The {internalId} is how Tranga uniquely recognizes and distinguishes different Manga.

  • Parameters:

    • {connector}: Manga Connector
    • {internalId}: Tranga Manga ID
    • {translatedLanguage}: Translated Language
  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Manga/Cover

Retrives the URL of the cover image for a specific manga that Tranga is tracking.

  • Parameters:

    • {internalId}: Tranga Manga ID
  • Request Body: None

[GET] /NotificationConnectors

Retrieves the currently configured notification providers

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[DELETE] /NotificationConnectors/Reset

Resets or clears a configured notification connector

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	notificationConnector: Gotify/Ntfy/LunaSea

[POST] /NotificationConnectors/Test

Tests a notification connector with the currently input settings. The connector behavior must be checked to verify that the input settings are correct.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	notificationConnector: Gotify/Ntfy/LunaSea

[POST] /NotificationConnectors/Update

Updates or Adds a notification connector to Tranga

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	notificationConnector: Gotify/Ntfy/LunaSea

[GET] /NotificationConnectors/Types

Retrives Key-Value pairs for all of Tranga's currently supported notification providers.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Ping

This call is used periodically by the web frontend to establish that connection to the server is active.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Settings

Retrieves the content of Tranga's settings.json

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[GET] /Settings/customRequestLimit

Retrieves the configured rate limits for different types of manga connector requests.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body: None

[POST] /Settings/customRequestLimit

Sets the rate limits for different types of manga connector requests.

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	requestType: {Request Byte}
    	requestsPerMinute: {Rate Limit in Requests Per Minute}

[POST] /Settings/UpdateDownloadLocation

Updates the root directory of where Tranga downloads manga

  • Parameters: None

  • Request Body:

    	downloadLocation: {New Root Directory}
    	moveFiles: "true"/"false"

[POST] /Settings/userAgent

Updates the user agent that Tranga uses when scraping the web

  • Parameters

  • Request Body:

    	userAgent: {User Agent String}