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using astar.PathingHelper;
using Graph;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
using Graph.Utils;
using OSM_Graph.Enums;
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
using OSM_Regions;
2022-05-05 02:00:55 +02:00
namespace astar
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
public static class Astar
2022-05-05 02:00:55 +02:00
public static Route FindPath(float startLat, float startLon, float endLat, float endLon, float regionSize, bool car = true, string? importFolderPath = null,
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
ILogger? logger = null)
2022-05-06 00:02:28 +02:00
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
RegionLoader rl = new(regionSize, importFolderPath, logger: logger);
Graph graph = Spiral(rl, startLat, startLon, regionSize);
Graph endRegion = Spiral(rl, endLat, endLon, regionSize);
KeyValuePair<ulong, Node> startNode = graph.ClosestNodeToCoordinates(startLat, startLon, car);
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startNode.Value.PreviousIsFromStart = true;
startNode.Value.PreviousNodeId = startNode.Key;
startNode.Value.Distance = 0f;
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KeyValuePair<ulong, Node> endNode = graph.ClosestNodeToCoordinates(endLat, endLon, car);
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endNode.Value.PreviousIsFromStart = false;
endNode.Value.PreviousNodeId = endNode.Key;
endNode.Value.Distance = 0f;
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double totalDistance = NodeUtils.DistanceBetween(startNode.Value, endNode.Value);
PriorityHelper priorityHelper = new(totalDistance, SpeedHelper.GetMaxSpeed(car));
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
"From {0:00.00000}#{1:000.00000} to {2:00.00000}#{3:000.00000} Great-Circle {4:00000.00}km",
startNode.Value.Lat, startNode.Value.Lon, endNode.Value.Lat, endNode.Value.Lon, totalDistance / 1000);
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
PriorityQueue<ulong, int> toVisitStart = new();
toVisitStart.Enqueue(startNode.Key, 0);
PriorityQueue<ulong, int> toVisitEnd = new();
toVisitEnd.Enqueue(endNode.Key, 0);
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while (toVisitStart.Count > 0 && toVisitEnd.Count > 0)
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2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
ulong currentNodeStartId = toVisitStart.Dequeue();
Node currentNodeStart = graph.Nodes[currentNodeStartId];
foreach ((ulong neighborId, KeyValuePair<ulong, bool> wayId) in currentNodeStart.Neighbors)
2022-05-06 00:02:28 +02:00
if (!graph.ContainsNode(neighborId))
if (!graph.ContainsWay(wayId.Key))
foreach (global::Graph.Graph? g in rl.LoadRegionsFromWayId(wayId.Key))
OSM_Graph.Way way = graph.Ways[wayId.Key];
byte speed = SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(way, car);
if(speed < 1)
if(wayId.Value && way.GetDirection() == WayDirection.Forwards && car)
if(!wayId.Value && way.GetDirection() == WayDirection.Backwards && car)
Node neighborNode = graph.Nodes[neighborId];
if (neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart is false)//Check if we found the opposite End
2024-07-23 17:07:31 +02:00
return PathFound(graph, currentNodeStart, neighborNode, car, logger);
float distance = (currentNodeStart.Distance??float.MaxValue) + (float)currentNodeStart.DistanceTo(neighborNode);
if (neighborNode.PreviousNodeId is null || neighborNode.Distance > distance)
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neighborNode.PreviousNodeId = currentNodeStartId;
neighborNode.Distance = distance;
neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart = true;
toVisitStart.Enqueue(neighborId, priorityHelper.CalculatePriority(currentNodeStart, neighborNode, endNode.Value, speed));
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logger?.LogTrace($"Neighbor {neighborId} {neighborNode}");
2022-11-01 05:08:09 +01:00
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
ulong currentNodeEndId = toVisitEnd.Dequeue();
Node currentNodeEnd = graph.Nodes[currentNodeEndId];
foreach ((ulong neighborId, KeyValuePair<ulong, bool> wayId) in currentNodeEnd.Neighbors)
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if (!graph.ContainsNode(neighborId))
if (!graph.ContainsWay(wayId.Key))
foreach (global::Graph.Graph? g in rl.LoadRegionsFromWayId(wayId.Key))
OSM_Graph.Way way = graph.Ways[wayId.Key];
byte speed = SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(way, car);
if(speed < 1)
if(wayId.Value && way.GetDirection() == WayDirection.Backwards && car)
if(!wayId.Value && way.GetDirection() == WayDirection.Forwards && car)
Node neighborNode = graph.Nodes[neighborId];
if (neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart is true)//Check if we found the opposite End
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return PathFound(graph, neighborNode, currentNodeEnd, car, logger);
float distance = (currentNodeEnd.Distance??float.MaxValue) + (float)currentNodeEnd.DistanceTo(neighborNode);
if (neighborNode.PreviousNodeId is null || neighborNode.Distance > distance)
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neighborNode.PreviousNodeId = currentNodeEndId;
neighborNode.Distance = distance;
neighborNode.PreviousIsFromStart = false;
toVisitEnd.Enqueue(neighborId, priorityHelper.CalculatePriority(currentNodeEnd, neighborNode, startNode.Value, speed));
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logger?.LogTrace($"Neighbor {neighborId} {neighborNode}");
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
logger?.LogDebug($"Distance {currentNodeStart.DistanceTo(currentNodeEnd):000000.00}m toVisit-Queues: {toVisitStart.Count} {toVisitStart.UnorderedItems.MinBy(i => i.Priority).Priority} {toVisitEnd.Count} {toVisitEnd.UnorderedItems.MinBy(i => i.Priority).Priority}");
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
return new Route(graph, Array.Empty<Step>().ToList(), false);
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
2024-07-23 17:07:31 +02:00
private static Route PathFound(Graph graph, Node fromStart, Node fromEnd, bool car = true, ILogger? logger = null)
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
logger?.LogInformation("Path found!");
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
List<Step> path = new();
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OSM_Graph.Way toNeighbor = graph.Ways[fromStart.Neighbors.First(n => graph.Nodes[n.Key] == fromEnd).Value.Key];
path.Add(new Step(fromStart, fromEnd, (float)fromStart.DistanceTo(fromEnd), SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(toNeighbor, car)));
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Node current = fromStart;
while (current.Distance != 0f)
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Node previous = graph.Nodes[(ulong)current.PreviousNodeId!];
OSM_Graph.Way previousToCurrent = graph.Ways[previous.Neighbors.First(n => graph.Nodes[n.Key] == current).Value.Key];
Step step = new(previous, current, (float)previous.DistanceTo(current), SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(previousToCurrent, car));
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2024-07-23 17:07:31 +02:00
current = previous;
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2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
path.Reverse();//Since we go from the middle backwards until here
current = fromEnd;
while (current.Distance != 0f)
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2024-07-23 17:07:31 +02:00
Node next = graph.Nodes[(ulong)current.PreviousNodeId!];
OSM_Graph.Way currentToNext = graph.Ways[current.Neighbors.First(n => graph.Nodes[n.Key] == next).Value.Key];
Step step = new(current, next, (float)current.DistanceTo(next), SpeedHelper.GetSpeed(currentToNext, car));
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2024-07-23 17:07:31 +02:00
current = next;
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
Route r = new (graph, path, true);
return r;
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
private static Graph Spiral(RegionLoader loader, float lat, float lon, float regionSize)
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Graph? ret = Graph.FromGraph(loader.LoadRegionFromCoordinates(lat, lon));
int iteration = 1;
while (ret is null)
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2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
for (int x = -iteration; x <= iteration; x++)
Graph? g1 = Graph.FromGraph(loader.LoadRegionFromCoordinates(lat + x * regionSize, lon - iteration * regionSize));
Graph? g2 = Graph.FromGraph(loader.LoadRegionFromCoordinates(lat + x * regionSize, lon + iteration * regionSize));
if (ret is not null)
else if (ret is null && g1 is not null)
ret = g1;
}else if (ret is null && g2 is not null)
ret = g2;
for (int y = -iteration + 1; y < iteration; y++)
Graph? g1 = Graph.FromGraph(loader.LoadRegionFromCoordinates(lat - iteration * regionSize, lon + y * regionSize));
Graph? g2 = Graph.FromGraph(loader.LoadRegionFromCoordinates(lat + iteration * regionSize, lon + y * regionSize));
if (ret is not null)
else if (ret is null && g1 is not null)
ret = g1;
}else if (ret is null && g2 is not null)
ret = g2;
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2024-07-22 04:56:22 +02:00
return ret;
2022-11-13 14:14:55 +01:00
2022-05-05 02:00:55 +02:00